10-year-old supernova sleuth
Paul Gray


10-Year-Old Canadian Girl Spots Supernova

January 5, 2011 | With a click of a computer mouse, Kathryn Gray helped discover an exploding star 240 million light-years away. > read more 

Great Photos from a Celestial Double-Header

January 7, 2011 | January 4th featured a robust meteor shower and a partial solar eclipse in quick succession. Here’s the story of how two lucky astrophotographers captured the moment. > read more 

Spirit’s Quiet Anniversary

January 4, 2011 | The first of NASA’s twin rovers reached the Martian surface on January 3, 2004, but it hasn’t been heard from in nearly a year. > read more 

February Digital Edition Available

December 23, 2010 | The digital edition of the February 2011 S&T is now available. > read more 



S&T: Lauren Darby


Tour January’s Sky by Eye and Ear!

November 30, 2010 | The New Year opens with a partial solar eclipse, a great meteor shower, and a canopy of bright stars and planets overhead. > read more 

Saturn’s New Bright Storm

December 27, 2010 | A massive new storm in the ringed planet’s northern hemisphere is bright enough to see in small telescopes. > read more 

Eclipses in 2011

December 30, 2010 | It will be a busy year for eclipse-watchers in the Eastern Hemisphere, but North Americans will have to wait until mid-December to see the Moon covered by Earth’s shadow. > read more 

Meteor Showers in 2011

December 26, 2010 | Sky & Telescope predicts that 2011’s best meteor showers should be the Quadrantids in January and — maybe — an unusual outburst by the normally meek Draconids in October. > read more 

This Week’s Sky at a Glance


The scene around 9 p.m.


This Week’s Sky at a Glance

January 7, 2011 | The waxing Moon passes Jupiter in the evening sky. Venus and Mercury have almost simultaneous elongations in the dawn. And don’t miss Saturn’s enormous, rapidly evolving white spot! > read more 



Saturn by the Hubble Space Telescope, October 1997
NASA / STSCI / AURA / Hubble Heritage Team


The Joy of Small Instruments

January 7, 2011 | No photograph can compare with the experience of viewing Saturn directly — something that’s possible with even the smallest telescopes. > read more 

Help for New Scope Owners

December 26, 2010 | Thousands of telescopes are given and received as gifts during the holidays. But once you’ve assembled your new treasure, then what? The editors of Sky & Telescope have created a special section of easy-to-grasp introductory skywatching articles just for you! > read more



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