March 21, 2008

PJB: A Brief for Whitey

posted by Linda

By Patrick J. Buchanan

How would he pull it off? I wondered.

How would Barack explain to his press groupies why he sat silent in a pew for 20 years as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivered racist rants against white America for our maligning of Fidel and Gadhafi, and inventing AIDS to infect and kill black people?

How would he justify not walking out as Wright spewed his venom about “the U.S. of K.K.K. America,” and howled, “God damn America!”

My hunch was right. Barack would turn the tables.

Yes, Barack agreed, Wright’s statements were “controversial,” and “divisive,” and “racially charged,” reflecting a “distorted view of America.”

But we must understand the man in full and the black experience out of which the Rev. Wright came: 350 years of slavery and segregation.

Barack then listed black grievances and informed us what white America must do to close the racial divide and heal the country.

The “white community,” said Barack, must start “acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination — and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past — are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds … .”

And what deeds must we perform to heal ourselves and our country?

The “white community” must invest more money in black schools and communities, enforce civil rights laws, ensure fairness in the criminal justice system and provide this generation of blacks with “ladders of opportunity” that were “unavailable” to Barack’s and the Rev. Wright’s generations.

What is wrong with Barack’s prognosis and Barack’s cure?

Only this. It is the same old con, the same old shakedown that black hustlers have been running since the Kerner Commission blamed the riots in Harlem, Watts, Newark, Detroit and a hundred other cities on, as Nixon put it, “everybody but the rioters themselves.”

Was “white racism” really responsible for those black men looting auto dealerships and liquor stories, and burning down their own communities, as Otto Kerner said — that liberal icon until the feds put him away for bribery.

Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America.

Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.

This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks — with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas — to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?

Barack talks about new “ladders of opportunity” for blacks.

Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for “deserving” white kids.

Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America’s fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.


Mr. Buchanan, as a white man you have stated your hatred of black Americans and your cowardice in your lies about black people who have done more for this country than you can ever hope to do. As the liar that you are, America did black people no favors when she wantonly sought to keep forever enslaved a race of people who have just as much right to live in this country as anyone else.

As for what Rev. Wright said, he spoke the truth. But, haters such as yourself refuse to hear the truth because humans such as yourself cannot handle the truth. You would rather go on believing that this country was based on democracy, when in reality it was founded on lies and genocidal abominations.

“The “white community,” said Barack, must start “acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination — and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past — are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds … .”

And what deeds must we perform to heal ourselves and our country?”

First is to acknowledge the wrongs of America against her black citizens:

-The Middle Passage where half-dead innocent Africans were thrown overboard to waiting sharks who fed off them:

-The banks located in the North that financed slave ships that carried black Africans to a living death that awaited them in America; the North which originally legalized slavery and kept cotton as king (cotton grown and cultivated by black enslaved people), exporting that cotton to England and the rest of Europe:

-The genetic damage done to black people by white male rape of black women and girls during slavery AND during segregation; black people were black until the rapist sperm of the scum of Europe was forced into their veins via savages who were no more Christian than a rabid dog;

-The lynchings, the tortures of thousands of black men and boys, and black women:

 -the beatings, the starvations; the unequal substandard crap that passed for so-called education: the expenditures of $1.00 for every black child, and $9.00 for every white child in schools across the South;

-the race riots all across America, especially in the North, where whites murdered thousands of black citizens:

-the racist pogroms, the ethnic cleansings against innocent black citizens and the theft of their property:

-the creation of sundown towns, sanctioned by the local, state and federal government:


-The denial of citizenship; the denial of the vote; the shutting of union jobs to black men all across America; the domestic back-breaking labor that forced black women into the role of breadwinners to keep their families from starving;

-the inequalities and inhumane medical treatment in hospitals, that is given to black patients as opposed to the more humane medical care given to white patients:

Those are just a few of the things you can acknowledge America. Have the balls and tits to own up to all the sick and unforgivable atrocities that you as a country have done against black people.



“Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America.

Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.”

And white-run America has only always given black people a one-way conversation. Since when has white-run America sat down and shut up and listened to black people? The whole country? Never!

White-run America has listened and responded with respect and humanity towards black people for the last 450 years? Like hell it has. White-run America has in overwhelming large numbers fought against slavery? Like hell it has. Then why did slavery exist for over 350 years? White-run America stood up against segregation? When? After thousands of black lives were lost? After 100 years of humiliating double-standard, two-faced hypocrisy? Then why did the fascist, racist regime known as segregation exist for 100 years if America cared so much for black people? Why put it into place, immediately after the abolition of slavery, if America cared so much for her black citizens?

As for the Civil Rights Movement, before it could gather steam, it was torn asunder by the Goldwaters, the Reagans, the so-called Moral (Immoral) Right Majority who hated (and still do) to see black people get one inch away from the degraded pariah status that white-run America seeks to keep black people in.  And as for the dismantling of Jane/Jim Crow segregation, those hateful soul-murdering laws may be gone from the books, but Jane Crow still lives, still cripples and suffocates the lives of millions of black citizens. Jane/Jim Crow IS NOT DEAD. It lives on in  the lives of millions of black people segregated from the rest of American society—socially, economically, educationally. Segregation (residential/educational) is still a putrid blight upon American society. Segregated churches are still the law of the land. Predatory, discriminatory lending in loans and credit still exists. Disparate racist draconian sentencing still exists where whites are given lesser sentences for the same crime a black person is convicted of.  George Bush may hate black people in how he mishadled and insulted the survivors of hurricane Katrina, but when many whites lost their homes to mudslides and fires in California, the help wagon was put out for them in full force. Where the hell was that quick help for the hundreds of thousands of people of Katrina/New Orleans from the illustrious, forward-thinking American government?

There has never been a true dialogue between black and white America because many whites do not want to face up to the vicious horrific cruelties this country has done to its black citizens. White people are not the wronged and injured party; black people are.

White people need to sit down, listen, and accept the role their people have played in the destruction of millions of black lives since the beginning of this country. White people do not call the shots on what is wrong, what is racist, what is discriminatory. Only black people are in a position to do that. Only the wrong and damaged party can state what has happened to them. Whites need to shut up, stop bristling, stop going into fits of denial. Face facts:  Your people of this nation did sick grievous wrongs to many, many black people.

Sit down.


And learn.

America is a Great Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, it is painful to face up to that, but, face up to it you must.


You have to admit that you (America) have done wrong before you can have a dialogue with your black citizens. Before you can, with respect and understanding, sit down and speak to your black citizens of the legacy of 450 years of sick brutality, you have to own your shit and claim it.


And this sick filthy comment:

“First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.”

How the hell can kidnapping and enslaving an entire people’s ancestor’s, degrading, defiling, and murdering millions of them be in any way a compliment to those wronged people? Black African people had civilizations in Africa before European contact. Civilizations and nations:  Mali, Timbuktu, Zimbabwe, Songhay. Black women cultivated rice in West Africa and brought that knowledge…that gift to America, among many other gifts. Black women and men from Africa brought many herbal remedies with them in treating illnesses, knowledge that no white person had. Black people smelt iron and created metalworks, artwork, fabric and textile procedures that no white person of European ancestry had knowledge of.

What gifts has white-run America given to black people and the world, besides white supremacy and white racism?

As for the figure of 600,000 black people living in slavery, Pat Buchanan, you made no mention of the millions of black people who died on slave ships, the thousands of black people who died within a year of arrival to America from harsh brutal beatings from slave owners; black people who died from the exposure to freezing temperatures; black people who died from food not fit to feed hogs; black people who died from exposure to European and New World diseases.

No. America has never been the best place for black Americans. Tearing a people from the only world they have known and tossing them into the hands of murderers is not something this country can be proud of. But, then again, America runs from her history like the fool and liar that she is, hence the reason for your malicious diatribe Pat Buchanan. If anything, black Americans have been the best thing that has ever happened for this country.

As for so-called “Christian salvation”, you can shove that up your ass. If being a Christian means keeping another human being as a slave; if being a Christian says creep out of your bed from your white wife to crawl down to the slave cabins and rape and defile the purity of black virginal girls of pre-pubescent age; if being  a Christian says for you to castrate, torture and burn for hours on end a black man tied up to a tree; if being a Christian means denying medical care to a black human being, turning them away from a hospital for them to die when the right thing to do would have been to give them medical care; if being a Christian means committing barbaric Nazi/Joseph Mengele experiments on black people all throughout the history of America, starting in slavery all the way up to the 1970s—–if those things, among millions of other wrongs done to black people, are what makes one a Christian——-then no one needs to see what being a non-Christian is.

America needs to get done on her knees and thank God that black people have done so much to make this a better place for all people. If not for black people, you, Pat Buchanan, would be living in a country of savages, you would not have civil rights, you would not have a way out of the inhumanity that millions of your people have built up over the centuries in monstrous mistreatments against black people. If not for black Americans being the true voice of reason and moral vision in this country, America as a country would have perished long ago. It is black people who have done the most to make this a better more civilized, more humane, more democratic country———not wretched monstrosities such as you, Pat Buchanan.

Black Americans have been God’s gift to this country. That black people did not, and have not given up on this country speaks more to their taking the high road many, many times over, even in the face of acts of terrorism committed against them on a daily basis.


“Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.”

And that is a damned lie.

What the hell have millions of white people GIVEN black people? What? Hell. Brutish, thuggery and cruelty, yes, but, dignity and respect as human beings? Where? I have not seen where white people, 99.9% of the white population has treated their fellow black citizens as human beings. If white people have been so concerned for the welfare and decent respect of black people’s humanity, why are many white neighborhoods all-white, where if there are POC they are anything but BLACK PEOPLE?

Where have the majority of white people in America given black people so much goodness, peace, joy, happiness, but, most of all RESPECT AS FELLOW AMERICANS in this country?  What have white people in all their time in this country, done for black people, as opposed to all white people have done to and against black people?

Give me, Pat Buchanan, your irrefutable concrete evidence of all the magnanimous, wonderful, lovely, outstanding things that white people have done for black people in the last 450 years. (And I am not speaking of one or two whites you can count on one hand; I am not speaking of John Brown, Viola Liuzzo, Lysander Spooner, either. I am speaking of the millions of whites who see black people everyday, all week, all year-long. I am speaking of those white people who cross paths with their fellow black citizens on a daily basis.) Whites have never had an equal fair relationship towards black people in America, so, please, Pat Buchanan, tell me who are these millions of white people who have done so much good and right in the lives of millions of black people?

Convince me.


I would love to see you pull that rabbit trick out of your magic hat.

No country has done so much to destroy black people the way America has. No country has hated a people the way America has, but, then again that hatred is understandable. If you do wrongs for centuries against a people who have done you no wrong, of course you will hate that group of people, Pat Buchanan, not to mention developing contempt and self-hatred of yourself.  The self-hatred you will harbor in yourself will eat you up inside because you will know that your people have done countless wrongs and inequities against those people whom you sought to destroy. And in seeing that you could not destroy and tear asunder what God created, you will hate and vilify the very people you could not destroy with all of your lynchings, your slavery, your segregation, your restrictive covenants, your sundown towns, your gerrymandering, your redlining, and your racist stereotypical  lies.

“Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans.”


White Americans have done very little for black people, through the centuries. Those white people who stood shoulder to shoulder with black people you can, then and now, count on one hand:

 Much of what black people did they did themselves: sought after their family members who were torn from them during slave sales; walked miles, to obtain an education, both little children and elderly black people—knowledge that had been denied them for centuries; educated their children that no matter what white-run America said, black parents told their children they were just as good as any white person in this country. Black people did much by themselves when they faced segregation; they maintained communities of solidarity and communual self-help, since they received little to none from many white people.

Black people had towns they built themselves, with no help from white people:

before many of these towns were burned down by many whites or the black citizens were run from those towns due to racist ethnic cleansing by rabid white mobs.

And as for this statement:

“Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.”

No, you can shove your lies. Welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, section 8 housing, Pell grants and all the programs you mentioned, America never had black people in mind when these programs were instituted, even though these programs were created for all Americans. It was white people who benefitted the most from these programs, not black people. Whites still make up the welfare rolls more than black people. The southern whites saw to it that black people during segregation did not benefit in any way whatsoever from the federal government programs created under FDR to help all Americans, be that program Social Security, the G.I. Bill, FHA loans or any other government program.  White Americans benefitted the most from racist unjust disparities of those programs given more for the benefit of whites at the expense of black people. White people have benefitted from over 450 years of white affirmative action, which leads to the massive unequal wealth gap that divides blacks from whites, a divide ten times the size of the Grand Canyon.

As for these programs bringing black people into the mainstream, these programs are and never were the problem. The problem of the 21st Century is the same problem that existed in the 20th Century:  the RACE PROBLEM. A problem created by white people, not black people, a problem still maintained by the majority of the white people in this country. Black people have never been the race problem; white-run America has always been the race problem.

“Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks — with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas — to advance black applicants over white applicants.”


White women benefit the most from AA, Pat Buchanan, but I hear you screaming nothing against all the AA they have benefitted from:

Governments, colleges and businesses have not engaged in discrimination against whites. Government, colleges and busisnesses have engaged in discrimination against blacks. And still does.

SCOTUS, the federal government, white colleges have a long history of discriminating against black people. As for AA, only the very best qualified candidates for the job are hired through AA. Those black people who do get hired through AA, are often more over-qualified to get the job more than whites who apply for the same job. Municipal and government jobs (police officer, fire fighter, postal worker) carry high standards and requirements, therefore many black candidates who apply for these jobs must, and do meet, the strict requirements of these positions.

White-run America has not done anything for black Americans that they have been doing for themselves for centuries.

“Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.”

A damned lie.

BLACK churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and INDIVIDUALS all over America have donated THEIR time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirment and nursing homes for BLACK PEOPLE throughout America’s vicious racist history.

Black women like Mary Church Terrell, Anna Julia Cooper, Mary McCloud Bethune (Bethune-Cookman College), Frances Harper, Ella Baker and many unknown black women (and men) have taken care of the black communtiy with little to no help from millions of white people. Black people all across the South provided shelter for black people traveling the South because they knew that their fellow black people could not stay in white hotels. Black people took black friends—and black strangers—into their homes because they knew no one white would look out for a black person the way a black person would. (Black people even took in white people people and fed and cared for them as well. Could millions of white people say they did the same for millions of their fellow black citizens?)

Black women of the black church in the 19TH Century, and throughout much of the 20TH Century, collected monies to send black girls North to school, to live with relatives, to get a more decent job than what was thrown to black women living in the South. Black women created and maintained organizations in the North, and South, for black girls, helped fund the building of boarding homes for them, so they would not have to live on the street.  And not many white organizations were doing that for white girls in the cities in the North.

Black men and women took in orphaned black children whose parents died or were lynched due to violent lynch mobs destroying a black family. Black women created club organizations to uplift and educate millions of black children. Black churches created mission programs to help black people in the South and black people who went to Africa to work as missionaries. Black people in America made many ways out of no ways, no thanks to the millions of white people who cared less for black people, as well as ignored black people’s existence.

“We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?”

No. I hear the grievance. Where is your gratitude Pat Buchanan and America?

Where is your gratitude for all that black people have done for America? Black people have done more to keep this country from becoming a living hell for everyone in it. Millions of white people have done the opposite. Many white people have done much to destroy America.

Black people have done much to save America……..from itself.


As for crime.

White America’s crimes against humanity scream out from beneath and above the Earth. White-run corporations have sold America out from under itself, to the highest bidder for the almighty dollar.

White-run America has sold government classified information to foreign  governments, and in the process, endangering military, and civilians lives.  White-run America has sold jobs and employment overseas all for the cheap buck.

You want to talk about crime Pat Buchanan, talk about the pervasive maintenance of structural and institutionalized white supremacy, the social, the residential, the economic violence that has been a normal way of mistreatment of black Americans by white Americans; crimes that have given America the audacity to say that white makes right, that white, no matter how depraved, no matter how sadistic, no matter how homicidal, is the Alpha and the Omega of America—whiteness has murdered, thieved, burned, genocided, lynched, raped, bastardized, infected, maligned and annihilated every race it has come into contact with, especially black Americans.  White-run America can in no way speak of crimes that black people are accused of when white-run America has nearly destroyed this country with its lies and running from its criminal, sadistic, history. With its perverted monstrous slaughtering of millions of defenseless black citizens. White-run America has committed the greatest crimes against black America, and white Americans should hang their heads in shame for all the inhuman cruelties they have done to black people, overtly and covertly.

You want to see a better America, Pat Buchanan? Pull your head out of your ass, grow some balls, and man the fuck up.

America as a country has been a piece of shit towards her black citizens. She knows it. And you know it as well.

Getting mad because Rev. Wright told the truth will not make the truth go away.

So, sorry, Pat Buchanan, millions of us Black citizens have heard it all before, about 450 years of racist hateful hells we have had to live through.

And as for “40 trillion tax dollars”. You can shove that up your ass as well.

All the blood money in  America will never atone for all the abominable filth that has been done to millions of black Americans, both past and present.


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  1. Pingback: Senior Living Communities » Blog Archive » PAT BUCHANAN: A COWARD, A LIAR. . . .AND A RACIST HATER

  2. Not only Pat Buchanan is racist, but also anti-Semitic, sexist, and homophobic to boot.

    His writings remind me of Hitler. Before coming to power, he wrote a book similar to Mr. Buchanan’s and look what happened. A whole lot of evil and violence.

    Thank you for bringing this up. This needs addressing.

    Stephanie B.


  4. Rebecca Boone

    Fantastic rant. Am I to hold contemporary white male USA legislators responsible for burning my Celtic antecedents at the stake for being too smart not to mention too culturally different to suit the Roman Catholic religious “conquerors” of Ireland? There’s such a thing as fate. Africans sold their own into slavery. At the height of Greek civlizaton, there were four slaves for every male citizen (females were not citizens, needless to say). Historically, it’s patriarchy and “Christian” salvation that’s bullshit, in my view. I’m a staunch Republican but will be voting for Hillary Clinton if she gets the nomination. Pat Buchanan has a great sense of humor. He gets paid for writing that stuff. I do not think men know how to function as unifiers; conquering and vanquishing perceived enemies is more their style. But men will swiftly close ranks and stand together against any female who presumes to try to civilize their brutish ways. Indeed, men feel entitled to make any female their servant, since they are by god’s own commandments the lords and master of creation itself. Give me a break. Dont’ blame whites; blame mothers of every skin hue for exalting their sons over their daughters.

  5. Ann

    ” Am I to hold contemporary white male USA legislators responsible for burning my Celtic antecedents at the stake for being too smart not to mention too culturally different to suit the Roman Catholic religious “conquerors” of Ireland? “


    America did not hold Celts/Irish as slaves. America held black Americans as slaves. Irish-Americans participated in brutish cruelties against black women and men during slavery, Reconstruction and segregation. Since many ex-slaves were “too smart” compared to many Irish-Americans in the South, many illiterate Irish took their rage out on black people, instead, listening to and buying into the divide that was created by the former planter class who hated their loss of being able to enslave another human being.

    And why bring up what someone else did in THEIR country. Every time the subject of whites perverted depravities aaginst black people is brought up, out comes the strawman of “What about everyone else?” Well, what about them? This post/discussion in on AMERICA. When the need arises for discussing Romans, Britons, Celts and others comes up….it will be addressed. Okay?

    ”There’s such a thing as fate.”


    There is such a thing as free will. Humans are not flotsam and chafe, blown about by the wind or by time. Humans have the capacity to do right or wrong. Humans know the difference between right and wrong. Many humans hate that they HAVE to do right, and rail against it by committing the following forms of lower life form behaviour:

    -Enslaving their fellow humans; raping their fellow humans; killing their fellow humans (especially in using the most sadistic form of human hatred to sanction that hatred: religion)

    You may think that you are completely powerless to do right, but, hey that’s you. ALL humans have the ability to do right as opposed to doing wrong. Sadly, humans have proven themselves the lowest common denominator on the evolutionary ladder.

    “Africans sold their own into slavery.”

    And your point is. . . .what?

    As if that information is mum. Please, tell me something I do not know. Europeans enslaved black males in the beginning of the Western European slave massacre. Women became more of a commodity in the so-called New World, when white males saw they could kill two birds with one stone:

    -Rape AND impregnate black women: forced sex AND creating a chattel comodity; hold her as a slave; get her pregnant with his child who he considered more than just a bastard; his child he considered nothing but a newborn piglet or calf; as well as sell off into oppression his own daughter or son.

    “Historically, it’s patriarchy and “Christian” salvation that’s bullshit, in my view.”

    Historically it is men and many humans who have debased the words of God and Christ. No one held white men/people at gunpoint and knife point and forced them to do all manner of filth to their fellow humans. No, they did wrong because they wanted to, and because millions of them were too weak, did not have the balls, did not have the spines to fight against the filthiest form of human hatred there ever was: SLAVERY.

    “But men will swiftly close ranks and stand together against any female who presumes to try to civilize their brutish ways. Indeed, men feel entitled to make any female their servant, since they are by god’s own commandments the lords and master of creation itself.”

    Of course men will close ranks against women. For some men, that tail swinging between their legs is probably where their brains are (that is if they have not ejaculated most of their brains out of their bodies by now.) Men have done more to destroy than create, and that is one of the main reasons so many of them in all the races across the globe vilify women. Man has been mad at God since he was kicked out of the Garden of Eden which is why he takes his rage out on everyone around him, including himself, and most especially against women and girls.

    “Dont’ blame whites. . . .”

    That’s bad you think that telling the truth about America is “blaming whites.” It IS called telling the truth, nothing more, nothing less. America either lives with the truth, or she does not. Black people have done MORE for America than white people; women have done more for America than men (especially black women have done more to fight the oppressive forces in this so-called land of the free, home of the brave). America is filled to the brim with people walking around with their heads shoved up their asses who hate to hear the truth about America; they hurt not only themselves—-they hurt others as well in denying the truth of this country’s history. America was built on lies, but, day by day, the TRUTH continues to come forth. Deal with the truth of your history, America.

    Grow a spine and face up to your brutish, thuggish history.

    “blame mothers of every skin hue for exalting their sons over their daughters.”

    Hmm, yes those pesky mothers who lavish love and extra special care on their “sons”.

    “A son is a son, until he takes him a wife; A daughter is a daughter, for the rest of her life.”

    I NEVER could understand why a woman would wish for a son when she was pregnant (before ultra-sound revealed the sex of the baby). Sons/males have caused their mothers more hell, misery, sorrow than all the daughters in the whole wide world.

    Scientist have capabilities to enable parents to decide the sex of their baby. Shit. That’s right, America, go for it.

    Pretty soon you (and just the same, the rest of the world) will be in the same boat China is in now.

    Because of their love of the almighty-son, killing off baby girls——–the ratio of females to males is lopsided; there are now in some parts of China, more MALES than females creating a disproportianate dearth of females for marriage to these. . . . .these “beloved” males who have been put upon a pedastal over females.

    Men are not better than women.

    White people are not better than black people.

    Women have done more to better this world.

    Black people have done more to better this country.

    Time for everyone to face facts and stop snotting and crying about the truth.

    Time for America to get down on HER knees and thank her black citizens for doing the monumental—–keeping this country together in the face of overwhelming savage odds.

  6. Ann

    Sarranounia, thanks for your comment.

    I went to Amazon to check out the book you referenced and the publisher’s review states the following:

    “Certainly, as Johnson shows, many Chinese parents feel a great need for a son to carry on the family name and to care for them in their old age. At the same time, the government’s strict population policy puts great pressure on parents to limit births. As a result, some parents are able to obtain a son only by resorting to illegal behavior, such as “overquota” births and female infant abandonment.

    “Yet the Chinese today value daughters more highly than ever before. As many of Johnson’s respondents put it, “A son and a daughter make a family complete.” How can these seemingly contradictory trends–the widespread desire for a daughter as well as a son, and the revival of female infant abandonment–be happening in the same place at the same time? Johnson looks at abandonment together with two other practices: population planning and adoption. In doing so, she reveals all three in a new light.

    “Johnson shows us that a rapidly changing culture in late twentieth-century China hastened a positive revaluation of daughters, while new policies limiting births undercut girls’ improving status in the family. Those policies also revived and exacerbated one of the worst aspects of traditional patriarchal practices: the abandonment of female infants.

    “Yet Chinese parents are not literally forced to abandon female infants in order to have a son. While birth-planning enforcement can be coercive, parents who abandon are rarely prosecuted. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Chinese parents informally adopt female foundlings and raise them as their own. Ironically, as Johnson shows, in some places adoptive parents are more likely than abandoning parents to incur fines and discrimination.

    “In addressing all these issues, Johnson brings the skills of a China specialist who has spent over a decade researching her subject. She also brings the concerns of an adoptive parent who hopes that this book might help others find answers to the question, What can we tell our children about why they were abandoned and why they were available for international adoption? ”

    From the Publisher’s review of “Wanting a Daughter, Needing a Son”

    Twenty years ago, when I first read of China’s birth control policies, I read of the abandonment of baby girls and of some families who went back and tried for a son again (after the use of abortion/or baby girl abandonment), because of the strict “two-child” quota, with in the future more males than females existing in the population, would create a skewed gender ratio.

    I felt that this infanticide against baby Chinese girls would one day come to bite China in the ass and throat, and I still believe that.

    Being on the outside, looking in, I read of many horror stories of little girls abandoned and the love of sons over daughters.

    Even though the children are born into a heavy patriarchal society (and what country IS NOT a patriarchal society?), the baby girls are STILL loved and WANTED, per the book review. A complete family, as the review stated, IS very much desired in China, as it is elsewhere in the world.

    As the book review states:

    “As many of Johnson’s respondents put it, “A son and a daughter make a family complete.”


    Over the years I have wondered much at the heavy adoption rate of children from China (children under 3 years of age). This book from the reviews I read at Amazon, sheds a light on the why of a huge surge in international adoptions and also gives an understanding of the abandonment that many little Chinese girls went through.

    A book that gives knowledge on the birth policies of China, its effect on the present population, and the ramifications of how this affects families in China concerning their sons and daughters.

    Not to mention, the books proceeds benefit the medical care of Chinese orphan children suffering from AIDS.

    I shall add this book to my library.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  7. sarranounia

    Ann, as a Black/Chinese girl let me say I LOVE your post but you’re a bit in error about the Chinese birthrate. See Wanting a Daughter, Needing a Son by Kay Ann Johnson. What’s going on in my culture isn’t as simple as loving boys and thinking girls are worthless.

  8. Pingback: what country is timbuktu located in

  9. Kwame

    Ann, Africans like you remind me of the undeniable power of the African spirit and people. Thank you Sister.

  10. Ann


    Thanks so much for your comment and thanks for stopping by.


  12. Jami

    I first must state that I am a biracial female (blk/Native/Irish). Pat first off you truly give too much credit to the whites; it is just now that whites are trying to reach out to blacks. I would say this is due to “hip hop” being so big. Secondly, I like how everyone is standing up for the black race & how this country is for both whites/blacks but honestly speaking this country belonged to the Natives that were here first. The whites first wronged the Natives killing their families, taking their lands, or sending them to their deaths (winters they were not prepared for). This land was stolen by the whites and forced upon the blacks. This land’s soil is mixed with the blood of the natives, blacks, gays, foreigners, and women that felt they had rights her. the blood grows the crops that each hateful white consumes including “Pat B.”

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