Sunday December 14 2008



Pamela Izevbekhai and her two children, who are at the centre of a long-running deportation battle, have been targeted by white supremacist far-right group Stormfront.
The racist website, set up by former Ku Klux Klan member and white nationalist activist Don Black, has posted a number of vile insults about the Nigerian woman and her two children.
It has also attacked the Mayor of Sligo, Veronica Cawley, who hosted a civic reception for the family who are battling deportation on the basis that Pamela’s two children face female genital mutilation if returned to Nigeria.
Stormfront, established in 1995, has been described as the internet’s first major hate site. Although a worldwide on-line forum, Stormfront has a significant Irish membership, which has its own forum thread.
Last week, the European Court of Human Rights postponed a decision on whether or not it will hear the case of Pamela Izevbekhai “until further notice”.
The court was to give a decision last Tuesday on whether it would list Pamela Izevbekhai’s case for hearing.
The court has asked the Government to put a stay on the deportation orders until it has made a decision.
Ms Izevbekhai began a legal battle in 2005 to stay in Ireland because she fears her daughters would be subjected to female genital mutilation by her husband’s family if they return to Nigeria.
The racist comments on the Stormfront website, which are unprintable, were posted as Senator David Norris revealed in the Seanad that he had received what he called a “very nasty and racist anonymous letter enclosing an article from one of the Murdoch-owned newspapers”.
It is understood that other members of the Oireachtas also received correspondence.
“Both the letter writer and the article suggested that her claim for asylum was fraudulent on a number of bases, including the allegation that she had lived in the UK for two and a half years,” Senator Norris told the Seanad.
“This is completely untrue. I have seen affidavits and proofs, including affidavits from her employers, her parish priest and the kindergarten which her children attended, that she was in Nigeria during that time.”
Senator Norris also raised the issue of the alleged “leak” which formed the basis of the newspaper article which suggested Ms Izevbekhai claim for asylum was fraudulent.
The Senator demanded an inquiry. He said: “I understand that a journalist was apparently contacted by ‘a source in immigration’, who made these inaccurate statements available to the journalist. It was not the journalist who contacted the source. I would like this matter to be inquired into.
“Is it appropriate that sources within immigration, paid officials of this State, should leak false allegations to the newspapers during a period when apparently this House cannot discuss it because we are told it is at the European Court of Human Rights for a determination of process.”
“I have a statement from a senior Nigerian politician who says that if this woman goes back, there is a very strong likelihood that her influential family will have her kidnapped at the airport and she will not be seen again,” Senator Norris said.
“I also put on the record that the United Nations Development Fund for Women doubted if ordinary police in Nigeria would take action against family members who are trying to force a woman to undergo female genital mutilation.”
“There is no federal law against it, there is some local law, but no one has ever been charged or arrested for this,” he added.


These racist freaks are snotting and crying over a mother who wishes to spare her daughters the removal of what they were born with, and should keep for all the rest of their lives.
I wonder how many of these manly Stormfront men go home to beat their wives who give them lip?


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  1. Nigerians will re-create Nigeria in Ireland, complete with female genital mutilation, African style government (e.g. corrupt dictatorship), poverty, squalor and general disorder and social stupidity.

    I don’t care what Nigerians do in Nigeria. They don’t belong in Ireland or any country in Europe. They are undesirable.

    • Ann

      “I don’t care what Nigerians do in Nigeria. They don’t belong in Ireland or any country in Europe.”

      Okay, so, by that, Irish, and other “Europeans”, do not belong in Africa either? Irish/Europeans (like the native-born Nigerians living in Ireland), do not have a right to live in any country in Africa? They should all stay holed up in Ireland/Europe (because of what their Irish/European ancestors did against non-whites), and never set foot in Africa?

      And most definitely, Irish/Europeans should never set foot in America either, because of the millions of crimes against the humanity of Native Americans and Black Americans, so many Irish/Irish Americans/Europeans committed on American soil?

      “They are undesirable.”

      So, by that, Irish and other Europeans, are undesirable (?), especially with the history that Irish/Europeans have shown towards non-whites:

      -theft of native people’s lands
      -Western, race-based slavery (leeching, parasitism [like fleas and ticks] of white men and women against Black enslaved humans in America)
      -spread of race hatred all around the globe
      -destruction of native people’s cultures
      -creation of negative lies/stereotypes against native peoples, and the creation of the “Other”
      -race riots against defenseless non-white immigrants. . . . .and non-white citizens, who live in Europe

      Of course I do not see where non-whites are destroying Irish/Europeans/Europe the way millions of Irish/Europeans have annihilated non-whites thoughout the last 516+ years in Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Australia………………………..no matter how many lies Irish/Europeans tell themselves.

      Irish/Europe/Europeans have sown the seeds of their own discord and destruction.

      What goes round, comes round, especially if non-white immigrants ever decide to mistreat Irish/Europeans/whites the way Irish/whites/Europeans have mistreated non-whites for over 500 years. Then again, not much chance of that happening. Many non-white immigrants who come to Ireland/Europe do not have vicious ulterior motives in mind towards Irish/whites/Europeans, the way so many Irish/Europeans did towards non-whites (and still do) whose lands were overrun by murdering, slaughtering, race-hating Irish/European/whites. Many non-white immigrants want to live and be in this world, and there is no set certain area where ANYONE is supposed to live, much less where Irish/Europeans/whites still think they can decree for anyone, anymore.

      Then again, fear of retribution does that to those who continue to do wrong. Fear that non-whites will do to Massa and Missus what Massa and Missus did for so long to so many races and cultures around the world.

      Fear of justice. Fear that “they” (non-whites) will do just like whites (Irish/Europeans) did to so many non-whites. Fear that non-whites will be just as sadistic, cruel, nasty, brutish and monstrous, the way so many Irish/Europeans/whites behaved towards millions of non-whites.

      Irish/Irish Americans/Europeans/whites fear that millions of non-whites will just wake up one night and remember all the atrocities committed by Irish/Irish Americans/Europeans/whites done to non-whites, and the non-whites will commit a mass Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” number on Irish/Irish Americans/Europeans/whites, for all the hateful, filthy crimes committed by Irish/Irish Americans/Europeans/whites against millions of non-whites worldwide for over five centuries.

      Fear of payback puts the fear of God into those who know they, and their ancestors, have/continue to do wrong to non-whites.

      Irish/Europe/Europeans/whites have/has built up a debt that they/she can never pay in their/her hatred of non-whites.

      And they/she fears payback for the mountain of sins they/she have/has accumulated through the centuries.

      And pay backs a bitch.

  2. Regig

    Exactly true Jeron, they belong in africa, I’m glad to see you irish are still very patriotic and care about europes preservation, unlike those cultlike suicidal multiculturalists

  3. j

    empathy is for weak minded people. i have no empathy for blacks or so called “native americans” and i expect none from anyone else who isnt culturally like me.

    we came to america, liked it enough to stay and when we where challenged by the indians, we defeated them and laid claim to the land by right of conquest. 1ooo men with bows and warclubs vs 100 men with muskets and cannons, 9 out of 10 times who do you think is gonna win that one? we had the superior organization/technology and the drive to make this land OUR LAND and thats exactly what we did, the “native americans” were too weak to defend what they had, so they lost title to it. i dont feel bad about it one bit. the day you start feeling empathy with your enemy is the day you become weak and vulnerable. this is the way its been between ALL PEOPLES OF THE WORLD THROUGHOUT HISTORY. every race in the world has conquered/made war on another race at some point in its history. the white race by no means has a monopoly on “race hate”, chinese hate vietnamese and killed many of them throughout history, the same can be said of aryan indians and dravidians, turks and greeks, serbs and bosnians, hutu and tutsi, ect ect, ad nauseum.

    multiculturalism destroys culture, it dosent improve anything. history points to people of the same cultural/language groupings getting along better with eachother and living more harmoniously than groups of disperate races of different cultural backgrounds and yes, colors forced together in a so called “democracy” run by multicultrualists.

    with all this said, the nigerians should be tossed out of ireland as there is absolutely no reason for them being there AT ALL. as for white people living in africa, i see no good reason for that either, with the exception of the southern tip of africa where whites where the first people to settle extensively (when the dutch landed in 1647 there where only a few san living within 500 miles of the coast)

    to ensure our own saftey, perhaps we should consider using or at least threatening to use nuclear weapons on africa and the middle east if they cant keep their own populations within their own borders……..afterall, force is the universal language everyone understands.

    • Ann

      “empathy is for weak minded people. i have no empathy for blacks or so called “native americans” and i expect none from anyone else who isnt culturally like me.

      The weak people were the Europeans who came to America and showed cruelty and violence to native peoples and to enslaved Africans. A weak person does the following:

      -enslave peoples (Native Americans, Africans), because they (Europeans) are parasites who grew fat like ticks off the labor of non-European people;
      -thieves the land from an entire continent of people (Native Americans);
      -rapes and degrades entire groups of people (Native Americans, Africans) because of the color of their skin;
      -creates lies, myths, distortions and stereotypes against entire groups of non-European peoples

      A weak man rapes; a strong man does not.

      A weak man steals; a strong man does not.

      A weak man murders; a strong man does not.

      A weak man enslaves and justifies it by saying that Africans are born slaves; a strong man does not. A weak man salves his conscious by saying, “Those old pesky native people deserved what they got because they were inferior. They had to be inferior, because we (whites) were able to savagely destroy them.”

      Just because you win at something does not make you right for having committed the atrocity n the first place.

      An inferior person destroys, and that is much of what Europe did to dark peoples around the world. Europe showed its inferiority and immorality by exterminating dark peoples, then taking lands it had no right to whatsoever.

      All that Europeans did against non-white peoples points towards acts and atrocities of depravity and perversions. There is never anything strong in committing such abominations and being proud of such behaviour.

      “we came to america, liked it enough to stay and when we where challenged by the indians, we defeated them and laid claim to the land by right of conquest.”

      America was not taken by right of conquest. It was taken by thievery and murder, commonly known as genocide.

      “the white race by no means has a monopoly on “race hate”,…..”

      The white race created the concept of whiteness/white race hatred of all non-whites. The psychological self-loathing whites had of themselves upon first contact with dark-skinned native peoples created the self-hatred that evolved into hate of the “Other”. The inadequacy of whites in their culture, morals (or better yet, lack thereof), their brutish behaviour towards each other, their fear of their small numbers in comparison to the dark races, their hatred of cultures different from their own, their contempt for the humanity of dark-skinned peoples unleashed a psychotic terror upon the world that has caused the deaths of untold millions ever since whites left Western Europe.

      Those are the things that Europeans did against Native peoples and Africans for over 516 years.

      “multiculturalism destroys culture, it dosent improve anything”

      Yeah, just like all that multiculturalism that white men practiced against defenseless native women around the world. Therefore, whites have destroyed many cultures by their multiculturalism : genocide, rape (watering down practically every dark-skinned race in the world); destroying cultures and traditions all across the globe. Yes, I’d say the world has suffered too much from the multiculturalism of whites/Europeans.

      “with all this said, the nigerians should be tossed out of ireland as there is absolutely no reason for them being there AT ALL. as for white people living in africa, i see no good reason for that either, with the exception of the southern tip of africa where whites where the first people to settle extensively (when the dutch landed in 1647 there where only a few san living within 500 miles of the coast)”

      Whites/Dutch/Afrikaners came to southern Africa and destroyed. They created nothing but a plague in their midst, unless apartheid is something to be proud of, and I do not even think a rabid dog would be proud of such psychosis.

      “to ensure our own saftey, perhaps we should consider using or at least threatening to use nuclear weapons on africa and the middle east if they cant keep their own populations within their own borders……..afterall, force is the universal language everyone understands.”

      Still play-acting at being God,eh? Then again, millions of whites have thought of themselves as God, since the most venomous and racist of them have appointed themselves judge, jury, executioner and God over all the peoples of the world.

      Well, that’s to be expected when you have stood on people backs and throats for centuries.

      But, take comfort.

      All things that go around, come round.

      In the last 500+ years, whites/Europeans took by force and viciousness what did not rightfully belong to them.

      Now, Europe is slowly and quietly being settled by non-white dark peoples.

      They may not be running around slaughtering and raping, and stabbing their way across Europe the way millions of Europeans did in North/South America, the Carribean, Africa, Asia—–but, they are only doing what YOU so proudly state.

      Non-white peoples are only doing what any red-blooded human would do. TAKE BY FORCE THE LAND (and taking does not always involve physical force.)

      Isn’t that what millions of whites have lived by?

      Hurts doesn’t it when it is done to you, eh?

  4. Rafferty

    MMM who is the thick person who clumps the irish with the whites who invaede Africa nad enslaved them ?
    The irish were not apart of the African slavery , that was the Scottish English , belgium French German and Spanish but never the Irish so any blacky who thinks they are trying to attack us for what happened in the past should re school as we were never apart of it…in fact my own great grand father fought against the british in south africa to free the blacks from the brittish rule along with thousands of other irish .. the arch in St stephens green Dublin 2 has the names of the irish dead on it 1899 1900..my great grandfather is there…so dont any black say that the irish never helped them …oh and each year we give almost 10 million to Nigeria as aid and so does many other european countrys …without us whites aid would stop and all forms of transport like the very planes you all come on.
    Dont bite the hand that is keeping your black race alive.

    • Ann

      The Irish did keep Black Americans as slaves in the United States. Not all slaveholders were English. Some of them were Irish. Many of the overseers were Irish. Many of the paddyrollers were Irish. I stated that the Irish in America did many wrongs to Black Americans, and I stand by what I wrote. A few Irish stood up for Black citizens rights; the majority of them gave not a damn about Black Americans.

      “oh and each year we give almost 10 million to Nigeria as aid and so does many other european countrys …without us whites aid would stop and all forms of transport like the very planes you all come on.”

      Don’t break your arm off patting yourself on your back. What little aid that trickles into some countries in Africa doe not make its way to many citizens who live there. Many native Africans do for themselves—-with little help from Westerners. They always have, and still do.

      “so any blacky who thinks they are trying to attack us for what happened in the past should re school as we were never apart of it”

      As for your contemptous perjorative “blacky” —–you are banned from my site.

  5. SKOT

    Ann, the vast majority of slaves in North America and the Caribbean were WHITE !

    And I think that it’s “funny” that someone like you, so against white people, still feels no qualms about using computers, electricity, the English language etc etc
    I could go on, but, you know you’re in the wrong.


    • Ann


      “Ann, the vast majority of slaves in North America and the Caribbean were WHITE !

      Prove it.

      The enslaved peoples of the so-called New World were Native/First Nation peoples, and Africans.

      The indigenous peoples of the Caribbean, South America, North America were enslaved, infected with European diseases and hunted to near extermination by Whites/Europeans. Doesn’t sound like any enslaved whites to me.

      “And I think that it’s “funny” that someone like you, so against white people…”

      It is called telling the truth. Get used to it. I do not have to be against Whites since they have been against themselves (and all non-whites) since Western Europeans left Europe and spread death and destruction throughout the New World.

      “still feels no qualms about using computers, electricity, the English language etc etc”

      The English language? A tongue that was forced on Africans after so much of their culture was torn from them. The many traditions and languages that were spoken that were annihilated by Europeans, the many African languages that should be a part of American vernacular—–lost—because of White racial hatred.

      Believe me, English is the last thing you should hold up as some pantheon of virtue.

      As for computers, electricity, etc.——

      The lie you stated that Whites created all that you speak of—–all. . ..by. . . .themselves.

      Show me your evidence that Whites, with no help from anyone else in this country—in this world—did everything by themselves, without standing on the shoulders of all who came before them: African, Asian, Native American, Arabic/Middle Easterner., and all those who contributed, and who were there during the founding of this country, and into the present.

      Convince me.

      Prove it to me.

  6. tonybell

    Probably a bit late replying , I have sympathy for native Americans and black African people,but I object to my country been over run by foreigners . The bleeding heart brigade and our politicians have sold us out as a people our culture and way of life will be lost ,unless strong action is taking to stop the influx of economic migrants which is what most Africans and Asians are.

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