65 responses to “ABOUT

  1. how can one contact you, other than through this site???????

    • I am writing to commend you on your group blog and to thank you for re-posting my August 2008 article published by Black Agenda Report.com, titled: “BARACK OBAMA AND BLACK AMERICAN ETHNICITY”. On this blog, somehow the title was distorted slightly, and appears as “Barack Obama and Black American Identity.” Could you kindly fix this to read ETHNICITY rather than Identity? Thanks very much in advance. With regards, M. Douglas-Ungaro

  2. Ann

    I pretty much post my position on various topics here at my blog. Is there something in particular you wish to discuss?

    • Hi Ann,

      I am the Program Director for Domino Foundation, a nonprofit specializing in education and training resources for transracial adoptive families. We are putting together some materials for black history month to distribute to the families we work with. I am interested in adding the information you provide in your Black Women in America blog posts. Could I get your permission to use the information you posted? We would site your blog as the source of the information. You can contact me at dominofoundation@gmail.com. Thank you.


  3. I love your blog, the title alone caught my attention. I was hoping I could be added to your Blogroll as you are already added to mine.



  4. Karl

    Please read article: http://counterpunch.org/nathan09122007.html

    Not surprised that blk teenage girls are targeted(given historical abuse of said pop and little to no repercussions for abuse) but given digital divide I didnt think that teenaged black girls would be the most approached/harassed/nude pic requested (younger the better it seems)….tell me what you think.


  5. hi ann,

    i’d like to email some interview questions to you about black feminist/womanist blogging for my print zine, [kerosene], that will launch next january/spring 2008. please could you email me at kerosenemagazine@gmail.com?


  6. Krl

    They actually arrested and arraigned that sister that was raped/tortured etc in WV….unbelievable….they also used occasion to post her picture etc:

  7. Ann



    I found out about this young lady’s arrest on Wednesday. As if she has not suffered enough. I have put up a post on the article.

  8. interracial power

    Hello Ann
    I just read your Jon Mellencamp post. You are very right about how the issues of Black women are invisible to America. Your post have raised my awarness.

  9. januaries


    I was also looking for an email address to contact you. I’m an MA student writing (well, not yet) about black feminism, blogging, and activism. I’m looking for good blog-writers who’d be willing to help me: give me advice, answer my questions, etc.

    I like your blog very much and would be very happy if you agreed to help me.

    You can reach me here: januaries (at) gmx (dot) net

    and/or see my blog: http://www.scribblingswithgreenchalk.wordpress.com. Not much about the project there yet, but this will be changing — and not so slowly, I hope.

  10. Pingback: Question 2: Black Feminist Blog Personae — Can We Generalize? « Scribblings with Green Chalk

  11. Karl

    Interesting Article on Race/Gender…people who have actually changed sexes are describing the new perils etc of the decision from a racial standpoint (bulk are black women becoming men but there are also Chicanas and also vice versa gender wise): http://www.colorlines.com/article.php?ID=265

  12. Ann

    Karl, thanks so much for that article link. I am going to try and respond to it with a post (keep your fingers crossed).

    Thanks also for the other link you sent me.

  13. Karl

    Don’t mention it. Love the site!

  14. Greatness By Design, LLC & Blanche Williams cordianlly invites all my sisters to the February film screenings of “THE SOULS OF BLACK GIRLS” at the National Council of Negro Women on Feb 8 and Morgan State University on Feb 9. The film explores media’s influence on the self-image of our black girls and women. Buy tickets online at http://www.greatnessbydesign.com and watch a trailer of the film at http://www.soulsofblackgirls.com. We must reclaim the souls and the future of our black girls!

  15. Ary99

    You address interesting and thought provoking topics in your blog. Thank you for the work you do and the recent attention you’ve given to missing children. I only wish there had been better outcomes to the Galveston cases you profiled. I am haunted thinking what is happening to our children. Peace to you.

  16. RJ

    I just wanna inform you about a really popular blog called Jezebel that does celebrity commentary and gossip from a feminist point of view (yes, rather dubious that claim) that has quite a following with young white hipster women.


    Well, the possibly well-meaning editor of Jezebel is asking for readers: black female readers in particular to submit the following:

    “What we’re looking for this month: The best and worst hairstyles on our black female readers, whether from childhood or adulthood. (That’s one of our readers’ submissions, at left. Love. It!) Don’t have anything to offer? Send this notice onto someone who might…or does. We’ll be putting up the post at the end of the month, as well as announcing the theme for the March edition of the feature. Those who desire to remain “anonymous” (i.e. have their facial features blurred out) are welcome to say so. Send submissions to photos@jezebel.com with the title “Past Fashion” in the subject header.”

    I have a major WTF moment reading that.

    Why black women specifically? And why ask black women to submit pics of their worst hairstyle when they were children??? And don’t black women have enough trouble with feeling scrutinized and judged about their hair already?

    Just thought, I’d let you know. What do you think?


  17. Ann


    Thanks for posting.

    I put up a post on your comment.

    Yes, I think black women have been through enough at the hands of many enemies through the centuries, and we still have to fight to keep our dignity and composure in a country that disregards our feelings——–and our beauty, 24/7.

  18. I’d like to invite you to consider reading my debut novel, Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse, and reviewing it on your site.
    Please let me know if you’d be interested in an Advance Reader Copy by e-mailing me at beth@bethfehlbaum.com
    My website address is below; there’s a synopsis of my novel on the site so you can see why I think you might be interested in it.
    Thanks– I didn’t see any other contact info for you; that’s why I’m querying you through your comment form. 🙂
    Beth Fehlbaum, author
    Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
    Ch. 1 is online!

  19. Carrie

    I wanted to give you a heads up about a story that I believe you and your readers will really enjoy. As a continuation of Belvedere Vodka’s “Luxury Reborn” campaign, socialite Jade Jagger (daughter of Mick Jagger) has launched Jade’s Room on Belvedere’s official website. This new area features exclusive and never-before-seen steamy photos and videos of Jade’s contribution to the campaign.

    To visit Jade’s Room, simply enter Belvedere’s website, click “Discover Luxury Reborn,” and then click “Jade’s Room.” Alongside Jade, the faces of the star-studded “Luxury Reborn” campaign also include hip hop mastermind RZA, actor/director/musician Vincent Gallo, and world-renowned avant-garde photographer Terry Richardson.

  20. I was doing research for an article on the controversy over Confederate Flag Day. I came across your site when I googled hate crimes. Needless to say, I haven’t gotten any research done. I am in love with your site and will be sending the link to my daughter and all my girlfriends.

    I hope that you will check out some of my writing including my poem “Soul Sister”. Much love. Keep up the good work.



  21. Ann

    Madison. Thanks for stopping by. I visited your site and enjoyed your poem. Great site you have for poetry.

  22. Love your blog…you are actually on my blogroll. I wanted to pass the word about an important project/movement I am working on with some sisters in Washington D.C. Its called The Saartjie Project.

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Saartjie Project, a collective of artists and activists exploring the life and legacy of Saartjie (Sara) Baartman is taking to the stage this August! Saartjie (Sara) Baartman was a South African woman exhibited throughout Britain and Paris, showing what to Europeans were highly unusual bodily features – her buttocks, breasts and vagina. From 1810 to 1815 she became an object, used at will and freely disposed of by those who robbed her of her identity.

    This summer we bring her story to life through song, dance and spoken word.

  23. Lou Ann Pleva

    Thank you so much for posting the story about the Unity Celebration in Shenandoah, Pa. on your fascinating website. It heartens me greatly to know that so many extraordinary people like you and your readers care.
    Our town’s struggle to cope with the relentless offenses to the spirit gives us an opportunity to step out of our comfort zones and take steps of genuine inclusivity and compassion. It’s not an easy path, but a worthwhile one. Your recognizing it here does much to strengthen my resolve.
    Lou Ann

  24. H.


    I’m H. and I work in a company interested in blog advertising. I found your blog engaging and I’m contacting you to ask if you are interested in blog post sponsorship.

    If you are interested, kindly mail back at k5ino@bigstring.com, indicating your blog for reference, and I’ll send you back pricing details, guidelines and processes. Looking forward to doing business with you.



  25. We are new and would like to know how you were able to monetize your blog. We were able to go into Dane Claussen’s Business Opportunity Blog and using the dollar sign widget and input your blog to see how much your blog was worth. Also we would like to have a recripical link with your blog.

  26. Pingback: Came across this while searching for something else : Blogworld

  27. Just read your post on StrangeMaps about the striking similarities between cotton production in the South before the Civil War and voting in last week’s election.

    Thanks for making painful, necessary points.

    As a white voter in a “safe”, virtually all-white state (New Hampshire), I definitely don’t have any answers. As someone who has lived in Kenya, I take your point about Obama’s heritage, but if he is PERCEIVED as African-American, that does say something about us as a country that we elected someone most of us view as African-American?

    I don’t know, but somewhere in there, I think there are some seeds of hope.



  28. Ann


    “As someone who has lived in Kenya, I take your point about Obama’s heritage, but if he is PERCEIVED as African-American, that does say something about us as a country that we elected someone most of us view as African-American?”

    Yes. . . .he is a black man, and millions of non-Black Americans comsider him a *Black American*.

    But, until America comes to term with her “Black children”, her acceptance of Obama will be nothing but chafe in the wind.

    Until she acknowledges the blood ties between Black Americans and White Americans, her welcoming of Obama will always ring hollow with me.

    Thank you for your comments, and thank you for stopping by.

  29. Good to see others on this path.

    This is for you.

  30. Hi Ann:

    My daughter told me to visit your site.

    Beautiful & insightful indeed.

    Please add me to your mailing

    Many thanks.

    Rock steady/Sharon Burnett

  31. Tameka Vasquez

    Hello Ann,
    your blog is what I’m trying to develop mine to be.
    I would love for you to have a link posted to my blog…i need the kind of traffic you get. Keep it up, I’ll be reading!

    Peace and love.

    • Ann

      Hello, Tameka.

      Thank you. I created my blog after so many people suggested I write one, since many of them loved the way I wrote and appreciated what I had to say.

      Keep it up; you’ll get there.

      Slow. . . .and steady. . . .wins the race.


  32. Hi,

    Please visit my website //www.chandrabhanprasad.com//

  33. Hello,

    This is Armine Hareyan writing from http://www.huliq.com. I visited your blog and liked your content.

    Would you be interested to send us a guest post on any of the issues related to the topics that you cover in your blog. We will publish it in our site http://www.huliq.com

    In return with each guest blog we will give one link in the author’s biline back to your blog. We only ask that the guest post ( we prefer it be a news coverage, sources can be Google News, CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo News, BBC and others) be a unique story and not be published in your blog.

    Please let me know if you may have any questions about http://www.huliq.com.

    If you want to consult the topic with me first that’s perfectly fine as well.

    Many thanks

    Best regards
    Armine Hareyan

  34. Chris

    Hi Ann, I’d like to interview you for a newspaper article. Please e-mail me! Thanks, Chris

  35. Hello Ann:

    Thank you for your blog! It is very encouraging. I wanted to know your thoughts on being a “full” black woman (not directly interracial, I realize that slavemaster’s mixed us all up, but both of my parents are black) and dealing with black men’s constant insinuation or blantant statements that ONLY mixed or interracial black women are pretty.

    I don’t deny that there are very beautiful interracial women; however, I must admit I feel disturbed when men, esp. black men, make comments that mixed people are the most beautiful people in the world because they get the best genes. People’s ignorance still continues to amaze me. Living in LA, I feel like I’m on another planet where black men often completely ignore a black female, if she does not appear to be interracial.

    How does a “full” black woman prevent that from affecting her self-esteem, if she is interested in black men, who in the aggregate seem to lack appreciation for “full” black women at large?


  36. craig

    I would like to advertise on your blog. Please contact me.

  37. can i repost your blog post on myblog – iluvblackwomen.blogspot.com


    please contact me: iluvblackwomen@gmail.com

  38. cpnbc

    Interesting stuff.

  39. Greetings,
    My name is Tahir (dead prez producer). I have a music series called “The BlakkBerry Filez”. I have released 5 volumes from this series in 2009 and scheduling volume 6 release for the new year. The vibe is revolutionary and responsible hip hop. If possible, I would like my work to be reviewed on your site. For my songs, videos, and more info go to http://www.TahirRBG.ning.com. If you need anything sent to you (songs, pics, bio, etc.) just let me know. Thanks for your consideration, time, and (hopefully) response.

    Peace! – Tahir

  40. robert

    do you know of any playwrights with a good gospel play that I can book for a gospel festival I want to create in Mobile AL , for June 19th 2010..please email me at robert@cstc.info

  41. Nanette

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    The article BLACK HISTORY MONTH: AFRO-MEXICANS is an excellent read. I tried for several hours to find the author of the and other relevant information for the article below so I could properly cite it in a paper I am writing. You might suggest to your writers to include this information with their writings.

    If you have the time, would you please send me the APA info necessary. I’m guessing it is a blog. I realize not all of the following categories will apply, but whatever you can provide would be an enormous help. Author, Year, Title of Entry, Editor, Title of WebLog, City, Publisher, Edition, Last update date, type of medium, author affilation, URL, ISBN, DOI, Accession Number.


Feb 23, 2008 … Just as many Mexicans do not know of the major impact Africans have made …. Afro-Mestizo, or Afro-Mexican culture. Their struggle to strengthen and claim …. steve on JUMPING THE COLOR LINE IN LITERATURE: DO NOT PASS …
    kathmanduk2.wordpress.com/…/black-history-month-afro-mexicans/ –

    February 23, 2008…11:19 PM


  42. wow. this blogsite is so good in promoting equal rights for the people of color.

  43. Marcella Caldwell-Gadson

    I love your blog. I would like to subscribe.

  44. Michelle Cain

    I wanted to let you know that I have come across a site called whitewatch. I had left a comment for them and was referred to chimpout and stormfront. I was appalled at all 3 sites. I just wanted to commend you on focusing on pride and love and not generating more hate. I love to see encouragement and pride. Cheers to you!

  45. “Beautiful, has always been my impression, in the enchanted presence of Black women” -Iago
    They make great leaders, and best of all, great moms so I’ve observed. Your blog is an eye opener, amazing, and an inspiration to me,. Thank you.

  46. Kita

    I need to meet one you fine, educated, and single sisters !

  47. mary harding

    First time visitor – you site is great – lovely and totally affirmative – I’m a member of a solidarity group that aims to support social movements in Bolivia – please check out our blog @


    and would very much appreciate a chance to exchange ideas – over coffee or over e-space -and would like to inviate you to meet the other members of the group – most of whom are Bolivians, mary harding

    MODERATOR: Your comment was edited to gain access to your website.

  48. Willie

    Ann, I need your last name for the Annotated Bibliography assignment that I’m doing.



    MODERATOR: And what “annotated bibliography assignment” would that be?

  49. Willie

    By the way, how long does moderation take?


  50. Hi Ann!

    My name is trey anthony, I’m based in Atlanta and I am the author/creator of da Kink in my Hair – a play that captures the stories of black womyn and their struggles. it’s been a play, a musical and a TV show over the years.

    I also started writing for the Huffington Post my first article – State of Emergency for Black Girls – is something all black womyn should read. I hope you enjoy it!

    I was wondering if you allow guest bloggers to post material on your blog, becauseI think an article like this would be a great addition to your site, as it helps to raise awareness of the love we need to feed our little girls so they grow into beautiful and confident womyn.

    Wishing you all the best in the New Year and let’s stay connected.


    MODERATOR: Trey, thanks so much for your comment. I do not have guest posters on my blog, but, I am interested in cross-posting your essay at The Huffington Post on my blog.

  51. Natural hair event happening during black history month at Trinity St Paul United please see http://shakaranaturaltips.com/events/a-celebration-of-curls for details….sorry I would have loved to email this info to the page admin but there is no contact info…

  52. Lauren

    i havent had a chance to go through your entire blog yet, but i am assuming you chose this name after reading the book by jeanne noble?

  53. Theresa

    1st time visiting this site and I have to say I’m relieved and impressed! Thank you so much! You have motivated me to get more involved in the social issues regarding black women. I have focused my attention previously, on the youth, and professional development for those who are hard to employ. I see now, that this is an area that needs to be a top priority.
    Not because I didn’t know that black women had issues but the topic of women being raped and murder while serving in the U.S military is under the radar.
    I will continue to fight the good fight for freedom and justice.

  54. pauldownie34

    Just thought I’d put my head around your metaphorical door, Ann, and thank you for the comment.

    Feel free to keep looking in on me.

  55. So glade I came across your site… I’m not an American but I am a black woman so I relate in a lot of ways.


  56. Hi Ann, I just came across your blog and I love it. Love the contents and the passion I see in it. I am an italian photographer and I am doing researches for a new project on Sundown towns … would love to talk with you about it. It would be very important for me. Here’s my contact

  57. Cornetta Love

    Hi. I am a playwrite and am asking permission to use one of your pieces for a play I am doing for Black History. You can contact me at cornettalove@gmail.com to let me know if I have permission.



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