Everyone has heard the news by now.

Yep, America is a post-racial nation.


Can’t ya tell?

Don’t you realize that the infamous vicious regime know as Jim Crow died, and that all Americans are living in a Kumbaya-Shangrila-Utopia of racial bliss? Haven’t got the news yet, eh?

Well, truth be told, Jim Crow never left the building.

Jim Crow, or rather, Jane Crow, as I will call it, never died. It just was eradicated on paper, and continued a life of subterfuge, subtlety, and racial code words and behaviour.

Many people have been lulled into the insanity that a black man (considered black because he has an African/Luo/Kenyan Father and a White American mother), is now the saviour of America, and now all is right with the world. First off, presidents do not have the clout that people give them. In reality, presidents are just figureheads of government. The real power lays elsewhere.

It is Congress that has the clout, and more importantly, it is the United States Supreme Court that really codifies into effect the laws that affect all of our American lives.

But, I digress.

So many are clamoring to sing that America is now a post-racial country.

It is not.

Racial hatred, racial ethnic cleansing, racial apathy comes and goes in cycles, and in a few decades hell will break loose for Black Americans.

Hope that got your attention. Yes, things will become more than bleak for Black Americans, while life continues to rise for others. If anything, Black Americans will face a Nazi/Holocaust life in the near future. Black Americans have been castigated with a pariah status, and the worship of whiteness has yielded a racial hierarchy in this country. Segregation still exists. It exists in the marginalizing of Black people.

We people who are darker than blue, will find ourselves will see more of what our Black great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents lived under, during the height of Jane Crow.

Black Americans people will have a more hellish time finding jobs, regardless of how well-qualified they are for the job or position.

Black American people will continue to suffer from sub-standard non-existent educations.

Black American people will continue to be shunned in the dating and marriage market by non-Black Americans.

Black American people will continue to be closed off from opportunities that would afford them a better and more thriving life, and this will be a blow to many of them. It is seen in how a White male felon can be given a job over a qualified, college-educated Black applicant; it is seen in how a black person can be denied a loan by a bank, even if that Black person has a good credit rating. It is seen in how a Black person seeks to buy a home in a predominantly White neighborhood or to rent an apartment, and they are denied access to said residential area. It is seen in how Blacks are not called back for job interviews because their names sound black.

You see, it will not just be poor Black Americans who will suffer under the blatant comeback Jane Crow, it will be all Black Americans, no matter their status/education/social standing in life:  middle class, as well as poor.

Life will depreciate, life will worsen, life will become more deadly for Black Americans.

What the hell, life already is deadly, only in the near future, it will be all-out war against Black Americans, and once again, the rest of America will stand by and watch it happen.

Don’t think it cannot happen here in the good ‘ol USA?

It happened in Nazi Germany.

German citizens who stood by, who sat by, and watched Jewish neighbor after Jewish neighbor carted off by the SS, and those German citizens did nothing…………..nothing…………to defend their Jewish neighbors in any way, with the exceptions of a few Miep Gies/Schindlers in their midst. Many had not the guts, backbones, nor souls to question why a neighbor here, why a neighbor there, suddenly disappeared————–and never returned. Many gave not a damn.

The same thing happened in America, albeit under different scenarios.

Many Whites who cared nothing for the humanity of Black Americans, stood by and watched the institution of race-based slavery grow, and grow, and grow, until it was positioned to expand westward, with the vicious bloodletting that occurred in Nebraska and “Bleeding” Kansas; the Whites who saw free Blacks kidnapped into a life of slavery by the Patty Cannons of the North; Whites who stood by and during Reconstruction, who saw the cruelty and murderous rampage of the KKK against recently freed ex-slaves and their few White allies.

The cycle continued into the era of Jane Crow segregation. Segregation, which I consider worse than slavery. Segregation where Black American women had to work as domestics and Black American men had to work as menials under conditions no better than slavery. Educated Black Americans who could only find jobs as janitors and wet nurses. Intelligent Black Americans whose knowledge and capabilities were disregarded as if their intelligence was some form of polydactylism.

Then again this cycle has occurred in America time and time again. It ebbs and flows. It surges, then submerges. It evolves, and morphs into more despicable forms. It goes dormant, then it becomes active, always all the time, with a brutal vengeance.

In the beginnings of indentured servitude, life for Blacks and indentured Whites was somewhat on a level par. Then that cycle ended with the crushing of Bacon’s Rebellion. Then in the early years of race-based slavery, slowly but surely, the vise was tightened on Black people and blackness, where with the more rigid creation of the “Peculiar Institution”, black skin became the badge of slavery in America.

Time and time again, vicious assaults against the intelligence, the humanity, the dignity, the worth of Blacks occurred, with the justification that “They were just those blacks! Who cares about them. Lynch them. Burn them. Commit pogroms against them. Take their properties under adverse possession.”

All the time, justify it with the belief in the volumes of lies that Blacks are sub-human. That Blacks have no rights that anyone is bound to respect. That Blacks are this nation’s proverbial scapegoat.

The mob mentality against Black Americans never went away. It never died. It slowed down, gathered its thoughts, and began a new attack against Blacks, only not so obvious to the blind and disbelieving.

The mob mentality against Black Americans still reigns, and make no mistake about it, it will not be just enraged poor Whites who will be roaming into predominantly Black neighborhoods when the festering. swelling pus-sore of racial rage commences; it will also be many of the middle class Whites as well. When the economy becomes destitute and economically depressed, people show their true colors, and this has been evident throughout America’s history with Blacks facing the brunt of much of America’s vicious race murdering history.

During the destruction of Reconstruction, many ex-slaves were acquiring a new life (learning to read and write, finding and marrying loved ones they were separated from), the creation of the Freedmen Bureau to help ex-slaves do for themselves), but, this was destroyed by many Whites who feared their domination of former slaves was eroding.

During the Chicago 1919 Red Summer, America was reeling from a depressed economy, and who did non-Blacks take their rage and hate out on? Blacks.

During the Massacre of East St. Louis in 1917, who did the enraged non-Blacks take their venom out on? Black women and children.

During the 1890 Spring Valley Race Riots (Massacre), who did the non-Blacks take their monstrous atrocities out on? Their fellow Black citizens.

When Executive Order #11246 was signed into law by then President Lyndon Baines Johnson, it was meant to give a leg up for Black Americans, but, time and time again, it was gutted and circumvented to where now, in 21ST century America, it is White American women who are the biggest beneficiaries of this law.

White rage, as seen with the Tea Baggers, is spiralling out of control. Seeing their world falling apart, their country being taken from them, their way of life as they have come to know it, their numbers dwindling, angers and enrages many of them, and anyone who knows the history of Black life in America knows who the hammer is going to come down the hardest on.

Black Americans.

White/non-Black American’s rage will be directed against their fellow Black citizens, even though those Black citizens will not be the ones who sent jobs overseas; even though those fellow Black citizens will not be the ones who close down factories and plants that give jobs; even though those fellow Black citizens will not be the ones who sold this country out for the almighty dollar.

Face facts, America never had Black American’s economic and political power bases in mind for her vilified Black children. Such a reality terrified and sent America into paroxysms of fear and loathing. Black Americans were then, and still now, continue to be a threat to the white supremacy hegemony of white privilege, white power and white control. Anytime Blacks did too well, and especially too well in comparison to Whites, the madness of racial viciousness occurred. Black economic, political and social competition never did sit well with America concerning her Black citizens—-and it never will.

American still needs Black Americans as a dumping ground for all of her psychosis and neuroses.

The writing is on the wall.

America still continues segregation on a social, economic, residential and educational level with her Black American citizens.

There is no need for the Sundown Town signs of “Nigger, Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On You”.

There is no need for the “Whites Only” signs.

There is no need for the “White Restroom” and “Colored Restroom”.

The mentality behind those signs still lives. Still exists.

Is there another Jane Crow coming?

The question is not is———-the question is not when———-the question is how soon?

Life for Black Americans is not getting better….it is getting worse.

Non-Blacks have sided against Black Americans on the side of whiteness. It has happened before, and it is still happening:  poor Whites who did not own slaves, who went off to fight the rich White slave owner’s war of secession during the Civil War; poor Whites throughout the 20TH Century who allowed themselves to be used against Blacks in labor disputes; poor Whites—North, South, East, and West—who reveled in their white skin, because that was the biggest bargaining chip they had against Black citizens; non-Blacks who see the wedge driven between their groups and their fellow Black citizens with code name terms such as “Honorary Whites”, and “Model Minority”.

Black Americans are America’s anti-citizen, American’s anti-neighbor, America’s Everlast punching bag for all of its sick, despotic racial effluvia.

The end of segregation? The end of Jane Crow?

Never happened.

Fasten your seatbelts. Because it is not going to be a bumpy ride.

It is going to be a hellish roller-coaster of a nightmare, and I pray to God that Black Americans be prepared as much as possible for the new racial hells that await them in the coming post-racial America.

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