Meet WorldNetDaily’s Latest Cause Célèbre, Chef Paula Deen

by  Leah Nelson  on July 8, 2013

Paula Deen has had a crummy couple of weeks.

Since it emerged in late June that the celebrity chef has used offensive racial slurs, is fond of racist and anti-Semitic jokes, yearned to host a “real Southern plantation” wedding featuring black waiters tricked out as slaves, and doesn’t particularly mind if her employees watch pornography at work, Deen’s sponsors have dropped her like the hotcakes she’ll no longer be shown making on The Food Network. Wal-Mart, Target, Smithfield Foods, and pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk have cut ties with Deen, and on June 28, Ballantine Books canceled a multi-book contract, despite high presale numbers for Paula Deen’s New Testament: 250 Recipes, All Lightened Up.

But where some brands see a liability, WorldNetDaily (WND), the far-right supermarket tabloid of the Internet, sees an opportunity.

In a July 3 E-mail blast, WND announced exciting deep discounts on patriotic accoutrements and books about God’s plan for America (including a reboot of pseudo-historian David Barton’s The Jefferson Lies, which portrays Thomas Jefferson, a slave-owner and deist who famously questioned the divinity of Jesus Christ, as an ultra-Christian champion of civil rights), and, of course, Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible.

“The rest of the media and corporate world may be running away from Paula Deen. … But the WND Superstore is running toward her,” burbled a “WND Exclusive” advertorial published on July 1. “She’s been abandoned by her TV network, Walmart, Target – even the publisher of her upcoming No. 1 bestselling book in the country. … So what is the politically incorrect WND Superstore doing? Stocking up on everything Paula Deen.”

WND is doing more than just adding Deen’s recipe books to its emporium of Armageddon- and antigovernment “Patriot-” themed paraphernalia. Since news of her racist indiscretions broke, the Internet tabloid has run almost daily articles lauding the celebrity chef and excoriating her detractors, with headlines like, “Paula Deen, Tell ’Em All to Go to Hell,” “The Deen Destruction Derby,” and “Black Racism Killed Trayvon … and Paula Deen’s Career.”

This last item, linking Deen’s ostracism with the ongoing murder trial of George Zimmerman, a Sanford, Fla., neighborhood watch volunteer charged in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, was authored by regular WND columnist Jesse Lee Peterson, a black minister and radio personality who once thanked God for slavery and has said that most black people “lack moral character.”

“I’ve been warning for the past 23 years that black racism is out-of-control – it appears black racism killed Trayvon Martin, and Paula Deen’s career!” wrote Peterson in his July 2 rant. Blacks and whites, wrote Peterson, must stand up to “race hustlers” and “thugs” before “racial intimidation” – by blacks – becomes the norm. “I hear from many white people that they’ve given up on trying to help or deal with blacks,” Peterson wrote. “If they hire blacks, they’re afraid to correct them because they may cry racism. … Whites have to overcome the fear of being called ‘racist.’”

Wondering which white people Peterson is hearing from? Self-described white separatist Virginia Abernethy, who sat on the editorial advisory board of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens’ (CCC) The Citizens Informer, told Max Blumenthal of The Nation that she considers Peterson a friend. And CCC member Barbara Coe joined the reverend at a 2011 tea party rally devoted “to expos[ing] NAACP lies and their big government agenda.”

Another WND columnist whose defense of Deen is noteworthy is Ilana Mercer, who says Deen is being punished for “transgress[ing] against America’s many Orwellian Ministries of Truth” and laments the “typical invertebrate conservative pundit[s]” who have supposedly hung Deen out to dry.

Mercer herself is no typical conservative pundit. A U.S.-based writer of South African Jewish descent, she is an apologist for South African apartheid whose writings appear often on the white nationalist website VDARE, where they share space with material produced by professor Kevin MacDonald, America’s pre-eminent academic anti-Semite. VDARE founder Peter Brimelow, a British immigrant who frets that, due to immigration from non-European countries, “America will become a freak among the world’s nations because of the unprecedented demographic mutation it is inflicting on itself,” penned the introduction to Mercer’s 2009 book, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash with a Corrupt Culture.

In 2011, John Derbyshire, who was fired from the conservative National Review in 2012 after suggesting in an essay that white and Asian parents should warn their children that black people pose a threat to their safety, rhapsodically blurbed Mercer’s more recent book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.

Mercer, who has contributed articles to the CCC’s Citizens Informer, has also been quoted approvingly on the website of American Renaissance, a white nationalist journal that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research purporting to show the inferiority of blacks to whites.

Peterson and Mercer are not the only WND writers to defend Deen. Erik Rush — who is black and the author of Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession, which argues that “the undue and inordinate affinity for blacks” has led to a state of affairs in which “racism on the part of blacks is [considered] acceptable, or even proper” — voiced shock and outrage at the press’ treatment of the Southern celebrity chef. So did Barbara Simpson, a regular WND contributor who among other things blamed antidepressant drugs for the December 2012 massacre at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School.

WND founder Joseph Farah also weighed in, noting that while he detests the “media and corporate establishment” for its “vitriolic, unforgiving, ravenous wolf-pack reaction to her racial indiscretions,” he also kind of thinks Deen got what she deserves because she is a Democrat – which political party, Farah says, “was founded as the political wing of the Ku Klux Klan and fought desegregation and civil rights through the early 1960s.” (Not so, as we’ve noted before. (1) The Democratic Party was founded long before the Klan, and (2) After the early 1960s, Democrats embraced civil rights, and Southern Democrats who opposed desegregation switched parties, walking straight into the arms of the GOP, which took up the banner for civil rights opposition thereafter. But we digress.)

WND’s embrace of Paula Deen, and its over-the-top shrieks about white victimization at the hands of black bigots, should come as no surprise. The Internet tabloid, which claims to oppose racism in any form, has for about a year now been publishing the work of one Colin Flaherty, who specializes in reporting on “black-on-white violence.” Flaherty, whose fan base includes the professional racists at American Renaissance, argues that “black-on-white” attacks have gone through the roof and the only reason you don’t know about it is because the “liberal media” has colluded to keep the story under wraps.

Justifying his presence, WND precedes all of Flaherty’s reports with a prim editor’s note, stating, among other things, that, WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.”

Based on its coverage of the Paula Deen affair, WND does not consider it racist to be racist. And for all its condemnation of supposed “race hustlers” cashing in on racial tension in the country, WND itself doesn’t mind reaping what rewards may come, in terms of Internet traffic and actual money, when the racial balance suits its purpose. Joseph Farah says he despises Paula Deen, but he’s all too happy to gin up outrage over her supposed victim status. And he doesn’t mind the prospect of making a quick buck doing it. As he wrote in his Friday commentary, “If Paula Deen is looking for a publisher who still believes in free enterprise and the First Amendment to distribute her new book, I’m just a phone call or email away. I’m obviously not sugar-coating it. I’m not sucking up or making excuses for anything Paula Deen has done. I just believe to preserve a free society, we have to guard vigilantly against witch hunts like this.”



World Nincompoop Deranged thinks that by buying and selling books to Paula Deen’s followers that they are engaging in some sort of attack on so-called liberals?

As for this statement:

“Joseph Farah says he despises Paula Deen, but he’s all too happy to gin up outrage over her supposed victim status. And he doesn’t mind the prospect of making a quick buck doing it.”

Just goes to show that fools and their money are soon parted.

All this does is show that many people are unaware of the true history of cooking in the American South, and Paula Deen’s so-called Southern cooking it ain’t. Lard and fried foods are not what southern cooking is all about. So if Farah wants to get rich on selling books to Deen’s followers, hey, they have themselves to blame for letting themselves be used and fleeced.

“Erik Rush — who is black and the author of Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession, which argues that “the undue and inordinate affinity for blacks” has led to a state of affairs in which “racism on the part of blacks is [considered] acceptable, or even proper”.

Wait a minute. Black people are now on pedestals? Hell, that is news to me. When did this pedestal positioning occur? Why did not all Black U.S. citizens get the memo on this historic and momentous occasion?


As for the Rev. Jesse Lee Uncle Ruckus Peterson—-I have already posted on his “Thank God for the White Man and Slavery” gibberish  here.

“I’ve been warning for the past 23 years that black racism is out-of-control – it appears black racism killed Trayvon Martin, and Paula Deen’s career!” wrote Peterson in his July 2 rant.”

“Black racism”?

Ah, yes, that infamous Old Black Magic that has so many non-blacks under its spell.

Black racism:

-Segregation; racial profiling; restrictive racial covenants; redlining; gerrymandering; disparate sentencing for crack and powder cocaine; banishment; lynchings; race-based slavery; racial pogroms, and on, and on, and on.

Yep, those mean old-never rest-always-have-been-decimating the lives of so many innocent citizens for the last 350+ years black racists.

Shame on them.

No, Rev. Ruckus, what killed Trayvon Martin was a bullet fired from the handgun that George Zimmerman used on Trayvon. If Zimmerman had listened to the police dispatcher, what went down that night would not have happened. But, those Old Black Magic racists—you just can’t trust ’em. Have to get out of your vehicle and follow them, at night, around corners, and fire at will on ’em.

As for Paula Deen—she got caught for her actions in thinking and behaving that white still makes might and is right. She got caught for engaging in racist and demeaning behaviour. Just because it was okay for ya’ when you were growing up does not mean that it is still the norm, no matter how much you want to convince yourself, Paula.

Even though there are those who still secretly believe as you do, ‘kay, Paula?

Paula destroyed her own career, just like so many non-black racists have since the founding of this country.

Oops, my bad.

Since the founding of this nation by those Black racists.

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houston firefighter 4 tribute

In memoriam to Capt. Matthew Renaud, 35; Engineer Operator EMT Robert Bebee, 41; Firefighter EMT Robert Garner, 29; and Probationary Firefighter Anne Sullivan, 24, of the Houston Fire Department, who lost their lives in the Southwest Inn Motel fire on May 31, 2013.


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Quick Facts

The United Nations’ (UN) World Population Day reaffirms the human right to plan for a family.

Local names

Name Language
World Population Day English
Día Mundial de la Población Spanish

World Population Day 2013 Theme: “Focus Is On Adolescent Pregnancy

Thursday, July 11, 2013

World Population Day 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

The United Nations’ (UN) World Population Day is annually observed on July 11 to reaffirm the human right to plan for a family. It encourages activities, events and information to help make this right a reality throughout the world.

UN World Population DayFamily planning is an important topic raised during World Population Day.Illustration based on artwork from ©iStockphoto.com/Julien Bastide

What do people do?

World Population Day aims to increase people’s awareness on various population issues such as the importance of family planning, including gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights. The day is celebrated worldwide by business groups, community organizations and individuals in many ways. Activities include seminar discussions, educational information sessions and essay competitions.

Public life

World Population Day is a global observance and not a public holiday.


In 1968 world leaders proclaimed that individuals had a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and timing of their children. About 40 years later modern contraception remains out of reach for millions of women, men and young people. World Population Day was instituted in 1989 as an outgrowth of the Day of Five Billion, marked on July 11, 1987. The UN authorized the event as a vehicle to build an awareness of population issues and the impact they have on development and the environment.

Since then, with the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) encouragement, governments, non-governmental organizations, institutions and individuals organize various educational activities to celebrate the annual event.


The UN logo is often associated with marketing and promotional material for this event. It features a projection of a world map (less Antarctica) centered on the North Pole, enclosed by olive branches. The olive branches symbolize peace and the world map represents all the people of the world. It has been featured in colors such as blue against a yellow background.

World Population Day Observances

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday type Where it is observed
Tue Jul 11 1989 World Population Day United Nations observance
Wed Jul 11 1990 World Population Day United Nations observance
Thu Jul 11 1991 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sat Jul 11 1992 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sun Jul 11 1993 World Population Day United Nations observance
Mon Jul 11 1994 World Population Day United Nations observance
Tue Jul 11 1995 World Population Day United Nations observance
Thu Jul 11 1996 World Population Day United Nations observance
Fri Jul 11 1997 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sat Jul 11 1998 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sun Jul 11 1999 World Population Day United Nations observance
Tue Jul 11 2000 World Population Day United Nations observance
Wed Jul 11 2001 World Population Day United Nations observance
Thu Jul 11 2002 World Population Day United Nations observance
Fri Jul 11 2003 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sun Jul 11 2004 World Population Day United Nations observance
Mon Jul 11 2005 World Population Day United Nations observance
Tue Jul 11 2006 World Population Day United Nations observance
Wed Jul 11 2007 World Population Day United Nations observance
Fri Jul 11 2008 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sat Jul 11 2009 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sun Jul 11 2010 World Population Day United Nations observance
Mon Jul 11 2011 World Population Day United Nations observance
Wed Jul 11 2012 World Population Day United Nations observance
Thu Jul 11 2013 World Population Day United Nations observance
Fri Jul 11 2014 World Population Day United Nations observance
Sat Jul 11 2015 World Population Day United Nations observance

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Published: July 1, 2013

  • Jim Kelly, who added an Afro, street swagger and a few memorable one-liners to martial arts movies in the 1970s, most notably in a prominent role alongside Bruce Lee in “Enter the Dragon,” died on Saturday in San Diego. He was 67.

Warner Brothers, via Everett Collection

Jim Kelly in “Black Belt Jones” (1974). He was also prominent in blaxploitation.

Warner Bros. Entertainment, via Associated Press

Mr. Kelly in 1973 in a scene from “Enter the Dragon.”

The cause was cancer, said his former wife, Marilyn Dishman.

In a genre dominated by Asian faces and settings, Mr. Kelly’s roles often emphasized what was most obviously distinctive about him: he was a handsome and chiseled black man who knew karate at a time when most prominent black fighters were boxers. He wore his hair in a meticulous mushroom Afro, flashed more curls on his taut chest and dispensed stilted bravado in between blows.

In “Enter the Dragon,” when the evil Mr. Han warns him that he will eventually be defeated in a fight, Mr. Kelly’s character, known as Mr. Williams, flashes a smile and responds that defeat will not faze him because he will “be too busy looking good.”

Decades later, when he joined other cult stars at autograph shows, fans would ask him to repeat his best-known lines, some of which are not printable in a family newspaper.

“Enter the Dragon” was a box-office success and made Mr. Kelly a new star in two rising genres: martial arts and blaxploitation, both of which emphasized violent action. Critics were not always impressed. In a brief review of “Black Belt Jones,” in 1974, A. H. Weiler of The New York Times wrote that “the succession of clashes and explicit street language tend to become repetitious and as unwittingly comic as the cast’s largely mechanical performances.”

Mr. Kelly made several other movies through the early 1980s, including “Three the Hard Way,” in which he co-starred with Jim Brown and Fred Williamson, and “Black Samurai.”

James Milton Kelly was born in Millersburg, Ky., on May 5, 1946. He spent part of his youth in San Diego but graduated from Bourbon County High School in Kentucky, where he starred in several sports, including track and football. He briefly attended the University of Louisville.

Mr. Kelly and Ms. Dishman divorced in 1968. Mr. Kelly’s survivors include a daughter from that marriage, Sabrena Kelly-Lewis. Complete information on survivors was unavailable.

In a 2010 interview with Salon, Mr. Kelly said he began studying martial arts in 1964, learning the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu style of karate from Parker Shelton in Lexington, Ky. He later studied in Chicago before receiving his black belt in Southern California. In 1971, he won the middleweight division title at the Long Beach International Karate Championships.

Two years later, after receiving one small film role playing a martial arts instructor, Mr. Kelly appeared in “Enter the Dragon” after being cast at the last minute when another actor dropped out.

“I broke down the color barrier,” he told The Los Angeles Times in 2010. “I was the first black martial artist to become a movie star.”


Those eyes.

That body.

That ‘fro.

Jim Kelly could always be counted on to give a memorable performance in his movies.

The first time I became acquainted with Mr. Kelly was in the movie Enter the Dragon, which also starred the incomparable Bruce Lee and John  Saxon.

His scenes with the evil Mr. Han (“Been practicing, Mr. Hand Man!”; “Man, you’re right out of a comic book.”) were awesome and his intensity he brought to his roles was great. When Jim Kelly was in a movie, you knew you were in for a treat:


or this:


and this:


His being cast at the last minute in Dragon may have been serendipity, but for those of us, his many fans, it was a wonderful blessing.

He will be missed.

Rest in peace, Mr. Kelly.

Rest in peace.



George Silk/Time Life Pictures, via Getty Images

Ted Hood, left, with Don McNamara on Nefertiti, which Hood designed and captained during the 1962 America’s Cup defender trials.


Published: July 4, 2013

  • Ted Hood, a yachtsman, sailmaker, rigging builder and boat designer, not to mention a helmsman who captained Courageous, the 1974 America’s Cup winner, died on June 28 in Middletown, R.I. He was 86.

Associated Press

Bill Ficker, far left, captain of Intrepid, winner of the America’s Cup in 1970, checking sails with Hood, second from left, off the coast of Newport, R.I.

The death was confirmed by his son Richard, who said his father had contracted pneumonia and had had heart problems.

A lifelong sailor, Hood was 7 years old when he jerry-built his first sailboat, fitting a mast and centerboard into a flat-bottom rowboat. After serving in the Navy during World War II, he began repairing sails to help pay for college, using his grandmother’s sewing machine in a bedroom of the family home in Marblehead, Mass. After discovering that sails, then largely made of cotton canvas, were often badly sewn or sloppily cut, he took them apart and remade them into stauncher products that improved the performance of boats.

During the postwar years, cotton sails, which were prone to stretching and disintegrating, began to give way to Dacron, a new synthetic fabric. Hood and his father, Ralph Stedman Hood, an engineer and chemist, experimented with various chemical treatments of the new material and came up with a process for making their own sailcloth, which had a tighter weave and held its shape better than many commercial cloths.

By the 1970s their company, Hood Sailmakers, was serving sailors worldwide. Its sails were used by every America’s Cup winner from 1958 to 1977.

Beginning in the late 1950s, Hood, who also made spars and designed innovative rigging, built a series of racing yachts, which he skippered to myriad victories in top-flight competition. In a six-race series sponsored by the Southern Ocean Racing Conference in 1974, his 37-foot sloop, the Robin Too II (a successor to Robin and Robin Too), triumphed over Ted Turner’s Lightnin’, which finished second, and 109 others. The same year, as skipper of the Courageous, he successfully defended the America’s Cup, shutting out a boat from Australia, Southern Cross, in four consecutive races.

Something of a legend among yachtsmen for his physical strength as well as his knowledge of yacht hardware and sailing technique, Hood was often sought by his competitors for advice and aid. During the 1962 America’s Cup defender trials, Hood, who was captain of a boat he designed, Nefertiti, helped a rival captain, Bus Mosbacher, make adjustments in his sails. Mosbacher’s boat, Weatherly, won the competition between them and went on to successfully defend the cup against the Australians.

“Oh, I wanted to win, but against the best possible boat,” Hood said afterward. “And I’d rather have lost to Bus than to the Aussies.”

Frederick Emmart Hood was born in Beverly, Mass., on May 5, 1927, and grew up in nearby Danvers and Marblehead, where he graduated from Marblehead High School. Except for a brief period after the war when he attended Wentworth Institute in Boston intending to become a builder and contractor, his focus was on sailing.

“Ted was born in May, so he was about a month old before the yachting season began and we got him into a boat,” his father told The New Yorker in 1967. “I think he missed that month — he’s been trying to make up for it ever since.”

Hood married Susan Blake in 1955. She had never sailed before they met at a yacht club dance, but she later crewed for him. She survives him, as do their daughter, Nancy Hood MacLeod; three sons, Richard, Frederick (known, as his father was, as Ted) and Robert; and eight grandchildren.

In the 1980s, Hood sold his sailmaking business to concentrate on boat design and building and moved to Portsmouth, R.I., where he began building power boats and created a line of water-jet-powered yachts. His later projects included a line of power catamarans. He continued to live in Portsmouth until his death.

Mosbacher, who captained not only Weatherly in 1962 but also another America’s Cup winner, Intrepid, in 1967, told The New Yorker: “You can’t imagine how comforting it is to have Teddy on a boat with you. You know that a whole area of important things has an expert eye looking at it. He’s at the heart of things — checking halyard tensions, setting sheet leads in the right place, adjusting leech lines to improve the flow of the sail.

“Most people are pretty happy when they’ve got things adjusted and going a little better for them than the other guy. Ted isn’t. I think he’s got somewhere in his head a perfect suit of sails on a perfect rig on a perfect hull, and every time he sets foot on a boat he tries to get a little closer to them.”





Published: July 2, 2013

  • William H. Gray III, a third-generation Baptist minister from Philadelphia who won a seat in Congress in 1978 and rose to become the highest-ranking black lawmaker in the country, died on Monday in London. He was 71.

Agence France-Presse

William H. Gray III in 1994 with President Bill Clinton.

He died while attending the Wimbledon tennis tournament with his son Andrew, said William Epstein, who was Mr. Gray’s communications director in Congress. Mr. Epstein said that Mr. Gray had not been ill and that the cause was not immediately clear.

Mr. Gray, who served in the House from 1979 to 1991, was a persistent voice for equal rights, education and services for the poor, in the United States and abroad. He pressed for more economic aid for Africa and was a leading critic of South African apartheid, helping shape United States policy, including sanctions, against that country. He led the House Budget Committee in the 1980s, and his fellow Democrats selected him as majority whip in 1989, the third-ranking House leadership position.

Two years later, Mr. Gray surprised many people when he resigned to become president and chief executive of the United Negro College Fund. He went on to lead the nonprofit group to record fund-raising.

“Bill Gray was a trailblazer,” President Obama said in a statement, “the first African-American to chair the Budget Committee and to serve as the majority whip.”

Six years before he was elected to Congress, Mr. Gray became pastor of Bright Hope Baptist Church in North Philadelphia, and he would serve as pastor for 35 years. He succeeded his father, William H. Gray Jr., who preached there for 22 years, and his grandfather, William H. Gray Sr., who served from 1925 until his death in 1949. While in Congress, he would return to Philadelphia on weekends to preach.

Mr. Gray had not held elected office when he first ran for a House seat, in 1976, challenging the longtime incumbent, Robert N. C. Nix Sr., in the Democratic primary. Mr. Gray, who had once worked in Mr. Nix’s office, lost by fewer than 400 votes. Two years later, after accusing Mr. Nix of losing touch with his district, he won easily.

Mr. Gray was frustrated in his first years in Congress, giving up his seat on the Budget Committee in 1981 after complaining that Democrats were more interested in making deals with Republicans than in spending money on social services.

“It was clear that the Democratic leadership felt they did not want or need the liberal vote,” he said in an interview with Newsday in 1985.

But Mr. Gray returned to the committee in 1983 and eventually became known as a skilled negotiator and consensus-builder. When he became budget chairman, in 1985, some lawmakers asked whether a black representative from a district that was 80 percent black could see beyond the needs of his constituents.

“I face what all blacks go through,” Mr. Gray said in The New York Times in 1985. “People see your skin before they see anything else, and sometimes that’s all they see. But you’ve got to keep on truckin’ and hope you have the chance to demonstrate excellence.”

He added, “If I do an effective job as chairman, I will break down a barrier and demonstrate that race is not an obstacle to heading a major financial committee or winning a leadership post.”

William Herbert Gray III was born in Baton Rouge, La., on Aug. 20, 1941. He spent part of his childhood in Florida, where his father was president of Florida Normal and Industrial College, in St. Augustine, and later Florida A&M College, now university, in Tallahassee. The congressman received his bachelor’s degree from Franklin & Marshall College, in Lancaster, Pa., and divinity degrees from Drew Theological Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary. He worked as a minister at Union Baptist Church in Montclair, N.J., for much of the 1960s while teaching at several colleges.

In 1994, President Bill Clinton appointed Mr. Gray as a special adviser on Haiti.

In addition to his son Andrew, survivors include his wife, the former Andrea Dash; two more sons, William IV and Justin; his mother, Hazel; and several grandchildren.

Late in his Congressional career, some news reports raised questions about Mr. Gray’s financial arrangements, including those with his church, but the F.B.I. said the congressman was not the target of an investigation and he was never charged. Some critics speculated that the questions prompted his resignation, or that Mr. Gray wanted to make more money to pay for the education of his growing sons.

“If I wanted money, I would not have become a preacher; I wanted mission,” Mr. Gray said in his first sermon after announcing his resignation, in June 1991. “If I wanted money, I would not have become an educator; I wanted mission. If I wanted money, I would not have gone into public service; I wanted mission. I have never been motivated by money. The reason I am changing careers to be head of the United Negro College Fund is because of its mission.”

According to the fund’s Web site, Mr. Gray raised more than $2.3 billion while he led the fund, from 1991 to 2004.





Published: July 3, 2013

  • Douglas C. Engelbart was 25, just engaged to be married and thinking about his future when he had an epiphany in 1950 that would change the world.

SRI International

Douglas C. Engelbart with an early computer mouse in 1968, the year it was unveiled.

The “Mother of All Demos”

Bits Blog

Clips of Douglas C. Englebart’s 1968 demonstration of a networked computing system, which included a mouse, text editing, video conferencing, hypertext and windowing. Read more…

From the Magazine

He had a good job working at a government aerospace laboratory in California, but he wanted to do something more with his life, something of value that might last, even outlive him. Then it came to him. In a single stroke he had what might be safely called a complete vision of the information age.

The epiphany spoke to him of technology’s potential to expand human intelligence, and from it he spun out a career that indeed had lasting impact. It led to a host of inventions that became the basis for the Internet and the modern personal computer.

In later years, one of those inventions was given a warmhearted name, evoking a small, furry creature given to scurrying across flat surfaces: the computer mouse.

Dr. Engelbart died on Tuesday at 88 at his home in Atherton, Calif. His wife, Karen O’Leary Engelbart, said the cause was kidney failure.

Computing was in its infancy when Dr. Engelbart entered the field. Computers were ungainly room-size calculating machines that could be used by only one person at a time. Someone would feed them information in stacks of punched cards and then wait hours for a printout of answers. Interactive computing was a thing of the future, or in science fiction. But it was germinating in Dr. Engelbart’s restless mind.

In his epiphany, he saw himself sitting in front of a large computer screen full of different symbols — an image most likely derived from his work on radar consoles while in the Navy after World War II. The screen, he thought, would serve as a display for a workstation that would organize all the information and communications for a given project.

It was his great insight that progress in science and engineering could be greatly accelerated if researchers, working in small groups, shared computing power. He called the approach “bootstrapping” and believed it would raise what he called their “collective I.Q.”

A decade later, during the Vietnam War, he established an experimental research group at Stanford Research Institute (later renamed SRI and then SRI International). The unit, the Augmentation Research Center, known as ARC, had the financial backing of the Air Force, NASA and the Advanced Research Projects Agency, an arm of the Defense Department. Even so, in the main, computing industry professionals regarded Dr. Engelbart as a quixotic outsider.

In December 1968, however, he set the computing world on fire with a remarkable demonstration before more than a thousand of the world’s leading computer scientists at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco, one of a series of national conferences in the computer field that had been held since the early 1950s. Dr. Engelbart was developing a raft of revolutionary interactive computer technologies and chose the conference as the proper moment to unveil them.

For the event, he sat on stage in front of a mouse, a keyboard and other controls and projected the computer display onto a 22-foot-high video screen behind him. In little more than an hour, he showed how a networked, interactive computing system would allow information to be shared rapidly among collaborating scientists. He demonstrated how a mouse, which he invented just four years earlier, could be used to control a computer. He demonstrated text editing, video conferencing, hypertext and windowing.

In contrast to the mainframes then in use, a computerized system Dr. Engelbart created, called the oNLine System, or NLS, allowed researchers to share information seamlessly and to create and retrieve documents in the form of a structured electronic library.

The conference attendees were awe-struck. In one presentation, Dr. Engelbart demonstrated the power and the potential of the computer in the information age. The technology would eventually be refined at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center and at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Apple and Microsoft would transform it for commercial use in the 1980s and change the course of modern life.

Years later, people in Silicon Valley still referred to the presentation as “the mother of all demos.” It took until the late 1980s for the mouse to become the standard way to control a desktop computer.

U.S. Patent Office

Patent design from Dr. Engelbart for the first computer mouse.

Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press

By the late 1980s, the modern mouse became the standard way to control a PC.

Douglas Carl Engelbart was born in Portland, Ore., on Jan. 25, 1925, to Carl and Gladys Engelbart. He spent his formative years on a farm in suburban Portland, graduated from high school in 1942 and attended Oregon State College. Toward the end of World War II, he was drafted. He spent two years in the Navy, one of them in the Philippines, as a radar technician.

One day he was in a reading library on a small island when an article titled “As We May Think” caught his eye. The article, by Vannevar Bush, a physicist and inventor who oversaw the United States Office of Scientific Research and Development during the war, described a universal information retrieval system called Memex. The idea stuck with Dr. Engelbart, and he made it his life’s work.

After returning to Oregon State and graduating, he was hired to work at Ames Research Center, a government aerospace laboratory in California run by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, NASA’s forerunner. While there, working as an electronics technician, he saw how aerospace engineers started with small models of their designs and then scaled them up to full-size airplanes.

The idea of scaling remained with him. After getting his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, and starting work at SRI, he wrote a seminal paper on the importance of scaling in microelectronics. He presented it in 1960, a year after the invention of the planar transistor, which had improved the electrical output of transistors and made them cheaper to manufacture and available to a mass market.

Dr. Engelbart grew convinced that computers would quickly become more powerful and that there would be enough processing power to design the Memex-like Augment system that he envisioned. He was proved right.

The idea for the mouse — a pointing device that would roll on a desk — occurred to Dr. Engelbart in 1964 while he was attending a computer graphics conference. He was musing about how to move a cursor on a computer display.

When he returned to work, he gave a copy of a sketch to William English, a collaborator and mechanical engineer at SRI, who, with the aid of a draftsman, fashioned a pine case to hold the mechanical contents.

Early versions of the mouse had three buttons, because that was all the case could accommodate, even though Dr. Engelbart felt that as many as 10 buttons would be more useful. Two decades later, when Steve Jobs added the mouse to his Macintosh computer, he decided that a single button was appropriate. The Macintosh designers believed in radical simplicity, and Mr. Jobs argued that with a single button it was impossible to push the wrong one.

(When and under what circumstances the term “the mouse” arose is hard to pin down, but one hardware designer, Roger Bates, has contended that it happened under Mr. English’s watch. Mr. Bates was a college sophomore and Mr. English was his mentor at the time. Mr. Bates said the name was a logical extension of the term then used for the cursor on a screen: CAT. Mr. Bates did not remember what CAT stood for, but it seemed to all that the cursor was chasing their tailed desktop device.)

The importance of Dr. Engelbart’s networking ideas was underscored in 1969, when his Augment NLS system became the application for which the forerunner of today’s Internet was created. The system was called the ARPAnet computer network, and SRI became the home of its operation center and one of its first two nodes, or connection points. (The other node was at the University of California, Los Angeles. Two others followed, at the University of Utah and the University of California, Santa Barbara.).

Dr. Engelbart saw his ARC group grow rapidly after 1969. At the height of the Vietnam War, it swelled to more than 50 researchers — a significant number of them young men who had taken to computing in part to avoid the military draft.

The group disbanded in the 1970s, and SRI sold the NLS system in 1977 to a company called Tymshare. Dr. Engelbart worked there in relative obscurity for more than a decade until his contributions became more widely recognized by the computer industry. He was awarded the National Medal of Technology, the Lemelson-M.I.T. Prize and the Turing Award.

His first wife, the former Ballard Fish, died in 1997. Besides his wife, his survivors include his daughters, Gerda and Christina Engelbart and Diana Mangan; a son, Norman; and nine grandchildren.

Dr. Engelbart was one of the first to realize the accelerating power of computers and the impact they would have on society. In a presentation at a conference in Philadelphia in February 1960, he described the industrial process of continually shrinking the size of computer circuits that would later be referred to as “Moore’s Law,” after the Intel co-founder Gordon Moore.

Speaking of the future, he said, “Boy, are there going to be some surprises over there.”


This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: July 3, 2013

An earlier version of this article misstated the original name of the research group SRI International. It was Stanford Research Institute, not Stanford Research International. It also misidentified one of Mr. Engelbart’s inventions. What he called “the bug” is now known as the cursor, not the mouse.

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From the San Antonio Express News,  on Christmas Eve, 2009, a man who shot and killed a woman for not giving him sex, was acquitted from a charge of murder in the shooting death of an escort. Ezekiel Gilbert hired Lenora Ivie Frago through Craig’s List. She refused to have sex with him and when she would not refund the $150 fee he paid her, he shot her, resulting in her paralysis and her death seven months later.

Jury Acquits Escort Shooter

By Michelle Mondo :                                  June 5, 2013                  :  Updated: June 8, 2013 9:41am

Ezekiel Gilbert denied he meant to kill Craigslist escort.

Photo: Mayra Beltran, Houston Chronicle

A Bexar County jury on Wednesday acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of murder in the death of a 23-year-old Craigslist escort.

Gilbert, 30, embraced defense attorneys Bobby Barrera and Roy Barrera Sr. with tears in his eyes after the not guilty verdict was read aloud by state District Judge Mary Román.

Outside the courtroom, Gilbert thanked God, the Barrera family and the jury for being able to “see what wasn’t the truth” and for the “second chance.”

Had he been convicted, he could have faced up to life in prison for the slaying of Lenora Ivie Frago who died about seven months after she was shot in the neck and paralyzed on Christmas Eve 2009. Gilbert admitted shooting Frago.

“I sincerely regret the loss of the life of Ms. Frago,” Gilbert said Wednesday. “I’ve been in a mental prison the past four years of my life. I have nightmares. If I see guns on TV where people are getting killed, I change the channel.”

The verdict came after almost 11 hours of deliberations that stretched over two days. The trial began May 17 but had a long hiatus after a juror unexpectedly had to leave town for a funeral.

During closing arguments Tuesday, Gilbert’s defense team conceded the shooting did occur but said the intent wasn’t to kill. Gilbert’s actions were justified, they argued, because he was trying to retrieve stolen property: the $150 he paid Frago. It became theft when she refused to have sex with him or give the money back, they said.

Gilbert testified earlier Tuesday that he had found Frago’s escort ad on Craigslist and believed sex was included in her $150 fee. But instead, Frago walked around his apartment and after about 20 minutes left, saying she had to give the money to her driver, he said.

That driver, the defense contended, was Frago’s pimp and her partner in the theft scheme.

The Texas law that allows people to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft was put in place for “law-abiding” citizens, prosecutors Matt Lovell and Jessica Schulze countered. It’s not intended for someone trying to force another person into an illegal act such as prostitution, they argued.




“During closing arguments Tuesday, Gilbert’s defense team conceded the shooting did occur but said the intent wasn’t to kill.”

When Gilbert pulled the gun on Frago, there was no intent to not kill. No where in the article did it say the gun went off accidentally. This man shot and killed this woman because he considered her life less than $150.00.

Also, two wrongs do not cancel out one wrong, making a final wrong right.

Prostitution:  Two people engaged in criminal activity ( escort/prostitute and john) would make their dealings illegal for both, since prostitution is illegal in the state of Texas.

Escort: As an escort, she agreed to render services for her time with him upon payment for services rendered; as an escort, she agreed to give him her time which could range from accompanying him to a movie,  dinner function, birthday shower, family reunion, or any other social function.

But under Texas’ deadly force, when she refused to have sex with him, he was able to get off free because her not having sex, not giving him back the $150.00, and their actions occurring at nighttime, made it legal for this man to shoot this woman.

So, by this law, if a fan was to request that Leonardo Di Caprio accompany her to a function, he agrees to be the escort; she agrees pay him $30,000.00 (well, I can’t expect any woman to get Leo for a mere $150.00; no woman would expect that); he takes her to a social function; they enjoy themselves, then lo and behold, somewhere with a breakdown in communication, the woman escorted expects Leo to perform any and all manner of salacious sex acts for her.

Leo refuses.

The escorted woman takes the  law into her hands because she felt that theft, at nighttime no less, was committed against her.

She shoots poor Leo.

No law was broken; no theft was committed, until the woman escorted decided and demanded that sex was forthcoming because Leo escorted her to a social function.

But under this Texas law (and by law, since it is not stated in the article, they must mean the Castle Doctrine Law), Gilbert could shoot this woman as if she was stealing his car, his lawnmower, rifling through his wallet to take money, or any other tangible property.

But, until he pulled out his gun and demanded sex; until he shot her; until he paralyzed her; until she died seven months later———-no law was broken. The disagreement was over a contract wherein Gilbert  demanded that Ms. Frago perform an illegal act. She was not under any obligation to commit an illegal act of prostitution because Gilbert demended it. Therefore, no theft was committed.

This law is not meant to protect two people engaging in illegal activities, as Gilbert stated with his testimony that he shot Ms. Frago because of the $150.00, and for this I put the blame for this man going free at the feet of the jury. That they had not the intelligence to comprehend what this law covers. The judge and the district attorney should have explained to them what this law covered concerning theft. Then again, the jury would have to be psychoanalyzed on why they ruled as they did. (According to reports, there was one woman on the jury of twelve; the remainder were eleven men). Anyone who thinks that a woman on a jury will automatically side with a woman victim or defendant may be dead wrong. Sexism and archaic beliefs do not just come wrapped in the male gender only. Then again, it depended on what the prosecution went for in their charges during the trial. How they decided to pursue a charge (murder, as opposed to attempted murder, manslaughter, or even reckless endangerment) could have, and did have, an effect that made the case go in a verdict that was not what the prosecution wanted.

As a result of the jury rendering verdicts such as these, there will be more cases where the life of a woman means nothing against the word of a man because he expected sex and she refused to give it.

If not for this man shooting Ms. Frago, she would not have had bodily injury that paralyzed her; she would not have been on a breathing tube; she would not have died seven months later.

Gilbert’s shooting her with a gun caused the effect of her death seven months later. His actions to destroy her over $150.00 caused led to her death seven months later.

Then again, the mentality shown by the jury simply echoed the mentality of a society that devalues the life of a woman.

Not just in the state of Texas, but, all over America.

It was not long ago in the state of Texas that a man could kill both his wife and her paramour if he found them in bed together, in flagrante delicti as it was called, and he would go scot-free. Commonly referred to as the “paramour law,” which referred to the 1925 Article 1220 of the Texas Penal Code. Article 1220 was repealed in 1973 by Senate Bill 34 during the 63rd Regular Session of the Texas Legislature. Before it was repealed on January 1, 1974, Article 1220 of the Texas Penal Code read as follows:

Homicide is justifiable upon one taken in the act of adultery with the wife, provided that the killing takes place before the parties to the act have separated. Such circumstance cannot justify a homicide where it appears that there has been, on the part of the husband, any connivance or assent to the adulterous connection.


So now any man who takes a woman to dinner, and he expects sex after, and she refuses, well, like Ms. Frago, she is as good as dead. Then again, the licence for murder was what this jury allowed in rendering their verdict on a law that puts property above human life.

Here is a scenario: if sex occurred and the escort was a prostitute and was not paid—-could she shoot the john?

Wonder how a jury would rule on that?

And on a final note:

“I sincerely regret the loss of the life of Ms. Frago,” Gilbert said Wednesday. “I’ve been in a mental prison the past four years of my life. I have nightmares. If I see guns on TV where people are getting killed, I change the channel.”

Yeah, you should have nightmares.

And you should be in prison for murder.

There you can change all the channels you want. But, you better keep an eye out for Bug Bubba while you are in the shower. I am sure he would give you something to have more nightmares about.

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White Rabbit Radio, Font of Racist Genocide Claims, Run by Michiganer

by Ryan Lenz  on July 2, 2013

For the past three years, a mysterious figure calling himself Horus the Avenger has operated White Rabbit Radio, an online community of racists dedicated to spreading a message called the “Mantra” far and wide.

Written by a curmudgeonly segregationist with a history of drug abuse named Robert Whitaker, the 221-word Mantra is an attack on multiculturalism. “Anti-racist is code word for anti-white,” the Mantra reads in part.

Its widespread presence on the Internet is due to a small but highly dedicated group of activists who call themselves the “swarm” and furiously propagate it online. In essence, they comprise an online flash mob, spending hours posting the Mantra in the comments section of YouTube videos, tagging it to news articles on race, and reprinting the Mantra in full on most white nationalist websites of note.

But until now, little was known about the energetic propagandists known as Horus. He has had no known membership in any racist group and has gone to great lengths to hide his identity. In his first podcast, in 2009, he boasted, “You don’t know who I am. You’re never going to know.”

That ended in June when a lengthy investigation by Hatewatch uncovered the identity of Horus the Avenger.

His real name is Timothy Gallaher Murdock, 43, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., though he sometimes appears online and in radio interviews as Tom Worth. An avowed anti-Semite and one-time day trader, he is single and lives in the basement of his parents’ home, where, he says, he cares for his terminally ill mother and dedicates his time to building up “Horus the Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit,” an online allegory designed to expose “white genocide” and patterned after Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

The basic idea of the Mantra and its proponents — that white people, far from ruling most of the developed world, are actually being subjected to a genocide that will ultimately wipe out their race — is not new. It has been developing since the racist right essentially lost the civil rights battles of the 1960s, and racist writers like Wilmot Robertson began adopting the language of the civil rights movement to depict whites as increasingly “dispossessed.” In the last 20 years, the idea that the white race is facing mortal attack has become the norm on the extreme right, with the neo-Nazi National Alliance, for instance, repeatedly describing whites as “Earth’s Most Endangered Species.” Such fears have picked up speed in recent years thanks in large part to the U.S. Census Bureau, which has predicted that non-Hispanic whites in this country will lose their majority by about 2043.

But Murdock, Whitaker and the “swarm” of their enthusiasts have reduced their message of fear to a few sentences and sent it out to the world.

Over several hours of cordial interviews with Hatewatch, Murdock acknowledged his identity and expounded at great length about the Mantra, how he entered the radical right and what he hopes to achieve.

“What I am is a provocateur,” Murdock said. “My job is to provoke a conversation using the very charged concept of white genocide to create a paradigm change. I’m not interested in creating a national socialist state.” He added, “I’m doing things intentionally to provoke a reaction.”

And provoke a reaction he has. Since Murdock’s appearance in the movement, lines from the Mantra have proliferated across the racist right. His website features a subscription podcast called Endgame Exotica that provides commentary on the news, as well as a host of animated cartoon shorts to point out the so-called contradictions of multiculturalism. He has also become a galvanizing figure in the movement. He appeared last year at the Practical Politics Seminar conference hosted by Stormfront, the largest white supremacist online forum, where he talked about controlling the message about race. And his allegiances in that message management lie undoubtedly with the Mantra and Whitaker, his partner in the messaging effort. “I’ve always been interested in Bob’s particular writings,” Murdock said. “I think he’s the future.”

For Murdock, and nearly everyone who follows his work, the Mantra drives home the claim that multiculturalism works to the detriment of white people. But if the future is with Whitaker and his Mantra, it is a future envisioned by a recovering drug addict who once claimed to have had an amphetamine habit that dropped his IQ below 100.

Though he claims on his blog to have been the message man in the Reagan administration responsible for crushing communism, bringing down the Berlin Wall and saving the Hubble Space Telescope, Whitaker is seen by many in the movement as a hard-drinking though harmless, grandfatherly Forrest Gump.

James Edwards, host of the racist “Political Cesspool” radio show, wrote, “The next time anyone talks with Bob, ask him about the time we closed down that bar in Charleston.” To his disciples, though, Whitaker is nothing short of a propaganda “genius,” a word that can be found more than 600 times on his blog.

“There is not a modest bone in my body,” Whitaker wrote in 2004. “I AM a genius. I was born with one hell of a brain, and I scare our enemies because I am so smart I can laugh them to shame. I am at so high a level that a PhD or a big-time news anchor doesn’t mean a thing to me.”

A far-right propagandist for more than a half-century, the former economics professor and Reagan appointee to the Office of Personnel Management has been linked to radical, often racist, populist campaigns for most of his career. He once claimed to have a swastika poster on his wall when he was young in protest of desegregation. In fact, his advocacy of segregation and racist ideology seems rooted in his opposition to America’s early civil rights struggles. But the bombastic bullet points to his biography go on.

According to Whitaker’s followers, he’s a former clandestine CIA agent and a mercenary in Rhodesia who helped craft the propaganda message that ended the Soviet Union — claims for which there is no known historical record.

The Mantra first appeared in 2006 on Whitaker’s blog and on the Internet forum for the National Vanguard, a breakaway group from the neo-Nazi National Alliance. Unlike David Lane’s succinct “14 words” (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.”), the Mantra reads like a rambling tirade on U.S. immigration policy.

In part, it reads: “Everybody says there is this race problem. Everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries. … Everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to ‘assimilate,’ i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites. … But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews [sic].” The Mantra ends with its most often quoted phrase: “They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

Whitaker, who spoke several times with Hatewatch, claimed to have crafted the message “over years and years and years of arguing with anti-Whites.” While he claimed to have no working relationship with Murdock — in fact, he seemed upset at the suggestion that the two worked in concert — he remains proud of his Mantra.

“I’ve been in this business for 55 years, but I just got a little tired of the usual line,” Whitaker said. “I wanted to concentrate on the actual point, which is when the anti-whites talk about mixing races, it’s only in white countries.”

Murdock went further than Whitaker could have imagined in spreading the Mantra. With a weekly podcast and an onslaught of racist cartoons, his White Rabbit project is slick and professional — glossy racism that pulls liberally from Egyptian mythology. (Horus is the Egyptian god of war.)

Murdock and his animators created an allegorical cast of characters meant to reduce the modern world to racial archetypes. In fact, a large part of his appeal with younger racists lies in the iconography and detailed storyline of characters, each meant to symbolize a particular aspect of the “race problem.”

“White Rabbits,” which Murdock has said represent genetic perfection, are people of European descent and are depicted as vicious-looking creatures with Nazi lightning bolts in their eyes and crooked, dangling ears. “Red Hippos” represent Jews, or evil in the world. And “Pink Rabbits” are white rabbits infected by the Red Hippos. (Pink Rabbits, according to the allegory, are actually soaked in the blood of Red Hippos.) The cast of characters goes on, and Murdock’s website displays pictures of sneering White Rabbits swinging sledge hammers emblazoned with the words “The Mantra” at Pink Rabbits.

While Murdock has repeatedly said he dismisses violence as a tactic that will work in “illuminating” whites as to the state of race relations, the same cannot be said for all of those who carry the Mantra and fears of “white genocide” onward.

Murdock’s work, for example, attracted the attention of Anders Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who slaughtered 77 people two years ago in his home country.

In Breivik’s manifesto, he complains about “blood thirsty genocide committed by hate-filled, anti-white, racist immigrants” and seems particularly obsessed with the word “genocide.” He mentions it frequently in his manifesto, as he does the terms “anti-white” and “anti-racist.” Breivik sent his manifesto to Murdock and more than 1,000 others the day of the attack.

There are others, too, who have acted violently, seemingly animated by the fear of white genocide.

In 2009, on the day after Barack Obama was inaugurated as the country’s first black president, a man named Keith Luke allegedly murdered two black people in Brockton, Mass., and raped a third before shooting and wounding her. After police captured him, Luke reportedly told them that he acted because he had been studying Internet pages and learned that whites were being subjected to a genocide.

In September 2011, eight months before he was accused of torturing and dismembering a Chinese immigrant in Canada, an act caught on film, Canadian model Luka Rocco Magnotta wrote about his white nationalist beliefs on racist message boards under several pseudonyms. “[E]very country in the world was able to have their heritage protected, blacks get their own countries, chinese [sic] get their own countries. … However if white people want their own countries then we are denied that right.”

It was more than a petty gripe penned by a racist. The idea of a white homeland has long been a pipe dream of the racist right.

Murdock’s entire purpose, he said, is to raise awareness of white genocide in any way possible. But will he continue now that his anonymity is gone?

“Sure. Why not?” he said. “I held to that model as long as possible. … But if you have 30 million people wearing the Guy Fawkes mask, it doesn’t matter if they wear the mask anymore.”

Murdock may seem cavalier about the loss of anonymity, but the fact remains that he has gone to great pains to protect it.

Along with Whitaker’s acolytes –– they call themselves BUGsers, because they are part of what is called “Bob’s Underground Graduate Seminar” –– Murdock has played a cat-and-mouse game with Internet service providers and website administrators, hoping to slip the racist Mantra as deeply into the public sphere as possible.

In March, according to Whitaker’s website administrators, the Mantra was posted 7,187 times across the Web, up 100% from the previous month, when the Mantra was posted 3,565 times. The people posting it include racist ideologues such as Michael Rudolph, aka “Beefcake,” who runs online seminars on how to spread the Mantra, and Albert Durrette, a 72-year-old malcontent from Berkeley, Calif., who has started a White House petition asking that the Mantra be taught in schools as part of core education standards.

Murdock said he plans to release more animated content, including a 3-D version of every character in the cast, as well as a second part to his wildly popular video “How Whites Took Over America,” which reimagines the history of the European explorers who discovered the Americas.

Perhaps his most famous cartoon yet is the “Anti-Racist Hitler,” in which Adolf Hitler returns from Argentina, where he has been hiding since the end of the war — except this time he is working as an anti-racist.

In the 10-minute animation, which has been viewed about 180,000 times on YouTube, Hitler arrives in Israel, arguing that it is racist for the Jews to want to preserve their homeland to the exclusion of others. When a Jewish man stops Hitler on the streets and says, “I think we have a right to preserve our culture, and our people,” Hitler responds, “So you believe you are God’s chosen people? Some kind of master race? That just reminds me of the brown shirts in the ‘30s.”

Murdock laughed when mentioning the video. “Every single thing Hitler says to the Israelis has been said basically to someone white,” Murdock said.

The video was released on April 20, Hitler’s birthday, a day with deliberate appeal to racists and white nationalists who revere it. With that, it is impossible for Murdock to claim he is not working with the hardline racist right.

Not that he makes much of an effort to deny that anyway.

“The message is up for grabs regarding race,” Murdock said. “I’m doing what has been done for decades, from a verbal perspective. White people have to be able to defend themselves somehow verbally when called a racist.”



“Canadian model Luka Rocco Magnotta wrote about his white nationalist beliefs on racist message boards under several pseudonyms. “[E]very country in the world was able to have their heritage protected, blacks get their own countries, chinese [sic] get their own countries. … However if white people want their own countries then we are denied that right.”

Which Chinese are you speaking of? Chinese in the People’s Republic of  China? Chinese in Taiwan? Chinese in America?

If they are Chinese born in the PRC, they already have their country. If they are Chinese born in America, then they too already have their own country:  it is called the United States of America.

As for Blacks having their own country, many of them do have their own countries: Kenya, Bermuda, Bahamas, Mauritania, Morocco.

I surmise that Magnotta is throwing up a smokescreen to camouflage the real hate he has for Black American citizens. Anytime another ethnic or racial group is thrown into the mix with black people, it is to hide the real hate that boils underneath the surface towards Black American citizens.

“Murdock’s entire purpose, he said, is to raise awareness of white genocide in any way possible. But will he continue now that his anonymity is gone?”

There is no white genocide occurring. Whether the U.S. turns 50% non-white, 75% non-white, or whatever fractional equation that can be thrown about by the racist wingnuts, White people are going nowhere anytime soon.

Of course there is the age-old racist “mantra”:  … “Everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to ‘assimilate,’ i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites. …’ which is a residue of the fear that what goes round, comes round. It is no different from when racist lynch mobs of Whites, men and women, who tortured, castrated, and burned alive thousands of Black men, because they feared that Black men would do to White women what White men did to Black women during slavery, Reconstruction, and Jane Crow segregation, all the way up to the 1970s, which was just a scant time ago.

So, when Murdock uses the word assimilation, he in no way means this definition of the word assimilation.

Besides, there have been generations and centuries of assimilation going on in America by White men against Black women, which is why Black Americans come in so many different colors. Assimilation, when used by the cretins like Murdock, does not mean respect and marriage. No one can force anyone to marry someone they do not want to marry, but there was a hell of a lot of assimilation going on by White men towards defenseless Black women and girls in this country against their wills.

In fact, what Murdock states in his so-called mantra is the same feces that was vomited from the mouths of racist segregationists during and after the fall of Reconstruction, Jane Crow segregation and the 1960s Civil Rights era.

“An avowed anti-Semite and one-time day trader, he is single and lives in the basement of his parents’ home, where, he says, he cares for his terminally ill mother…”

For someone who is smart with a so-called “higher IQ than a Ph D”, why oh why, are you living in your mother’s basement? If you were of such so-called superior intellect, you would have your mother living in your home, instead of laying up on her.

And on a final note:

“Horus the Avenger”?

Of all the names you could come up with, you pick the name of an Egyptian God.

What’s up with that?

Couldn’t you have at least picked something like Odin?

Isn’t thatthe  common name for so many deluded wingnuts such as yourself?

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Quick Facts

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Cooperatives recognizes and reaffirms the role of cooperatives in economic, social and cultural development and in the achievement of social policy objectives.

Local names

Name Language
International Day of Cooperatives English
Día Internacional de las Cooperativas Spanish

International Day of Cooperatives 2013 Theme: “Cooperative enterprise remains strong in time of crisis”

Saturday, July 6, 2013

International Day of Cooperatives 2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Cooperatives is observed on the first Saturday of July each year. Some of the day’s goals are to increase awareness on cooperatives, as well as strengthen and extend partnerships between the international cooperative movement and other supporting organizations including governments.

International day of CooperativesInternational Day of Cooperatives remembers what cooperatives do to improve the world’s economic and social development.©iStockphoto.com/ alexsl

What do people do?

Cooperatives around the world celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives in many ways. Activities include: messages from the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the UN translated into local languages for worldwide distribution; news articles and radio programs publicizing the awareness of the day; fairs, exhibits, contests and campaigns focused on the topics related to the day; meetings with government officials, UN agencies and other partner organizations; economic, environmental, social and health challenges (such as tree planting); and sponsored cultural events such as theatres and concerts.

Public life

The UN’s International Day of Cooperatives is a global observance and not a public holiday.


Cooperatives are important in the world’s economic and social development. Based as on the principle of cooperation, cooperatives help create new ethics and values in business and economics. In 1895 ICA was formed and since 1927 it observes the first Saturday of July as International Cooperative Day. In 1994 the United Nations recognized and reaffirmed that cooperatives were vital in the world’s economic, social and cultural development. However two years earlier – on December 16, 1992 – the UN General Assembly proclaimed the first Saturday of July 1995 as the International Day of Cooperatives, marking the centenary of ICA’s establishment.


The United Nations’ logo is often associated with marketing and promotional material for this event. It features a projection of a world map (less Antarctica) centered on the North Pole, enclosed by olive branches. The olive branches symbolize peace and the world map represents all the people of the world. It has been featured in colors such as white against a blue background or blue against a white background.

Promotional material used to publicize the day included images featuring an array of colors similar to those of a rainbow. These colors are linked with those that are used by ICA, which, together with the UN and other organizations, plays a big role in promoting and coordinating events for the day.

International Day of Cooperatives Observances

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday type Where it is observed
Sat Jul 1 1995 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 6 1996 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 5 1997 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 4 1998 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 3 1999 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 1 2000 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 7 2001 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 6 2002 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 5 2003 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 3 2004 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 2 2005 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 1 2006 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 7 2007 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 5 2008 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 4 2009 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 3 2010 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 2 2011 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 7 2012 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 6 2013 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 5 2014 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance
Sat Jul 4 2015 International Day of Cooperatives United Nations observance

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Copyright Bill Day. Bill Day is a two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning, and his cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons.

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Nelson Mandela, the great and once political activist of South Africa, as of this writing is still in critical condition.

nelson mandela

Nelson Mandela at the law office he opened with his colleague, Oliver Tambo in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1952. This was the first black legal practice in Johannesburg. Both men were founding members of the African National Congress Youth League. (Photo By Jurgen Schadeberg/AP Photo Wed, Jun 26, 2013)

He has lived his 94 years of life upon Earth with years of it spent in South Africa’s infamous Robben Island Prison.


Robben Island photo credit:  Africapoint.net

After his release, due to South African citizens and those around the world who took up the cause for their nations to divest themselves of the racist apartheid regime that rule South Africa, he was voted in as president of South Africa.

prresidential election of mandela

Thousands of supporters cheer President-elect Nelson Mandela during his speech at City Hall after taking the oath at Parliament May 9, 1994. (Photo By Juda Ngwenya/Reuters Wed, Jun 26, 2013)

In honor of former President Mandela, I present the following day, of which I was unaware until a few weeks ago.

He has been a rock for his nation and to all those both in South Africa and around the world he has been a true giant in the quest and fight for peace, justice, and equality.



Quick Facts

Nelson Mandela International Day is annually observed on July 18 to recognize the former South African president’s contribution to peace and freedom.


Nelson Mandela Day

Alternative name

Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela International Day 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nelson Mandela Day 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Nelson Mandela International Day, also known as Mandela Day, is held on July 18 each year. The day remembers Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation.

Nelson Mandela Postage StampNelson Mandela (postage stamp of Mandela pictured above) is respected for his commitment to values such as freedom, equality, and respect.©iStockphoto.com/PictureLake

What do people do?

Nelson Mandela Day not only celebrates Nelson Mandela’s life, but it is also a global call to action for people to recognize their ability to have a positive effect on others around them. The day hopes to inspire people to embrace the values that Mandela shared. These values include democracy, freedom, equality, diversity, reconciliation, and respect.

Many people and organizations around the world take part in many activities to promote Nelson Mandela Day. These activities include volunteering, sport, art, education, music and culture. Various events are also held on or around July 18 to honor Nelson Mandela’s works and to promote the different projects that were inspired by Mandela’s achievements.

Mandela Day also celebrates a campaign known as “46664”, in reference to Nelson Mandela’s Robben Island prison number. The campaign was originally launched to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS. However, its focus expanded to broader humanitarian work. The efforts from Mandela Day support the campaign’s ongoing work and other Nelson Mandela charitable organizations.

Public life

Nelson Mandela Day is a global observance but it is not a public holiday.


Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa, on July 18, 1918. He is one of the most well-known anti-apartheid activists in South Africa. He was jailed in 1964 for leading the liberation movement against apartheid and for his stance on the human right to live in freedom.

Mandela’s prisoner number was 466 and the year was 1964 when he was imprisoned on Robben Island, off Cape Town in South Africa. The Robben Island prisoners were never referred to by their names, but rather by their numbers and year of imprisonment – hence 46664 was Nelson Mandela’s number. His release from prison in 1990 fed political debates in the country and contributed to South Africa’s transition towards a multi-racial democracy.

After his release, Nelson Mandela continued addressing racial issues in his country and supported reconciliation initiatives. His efforts resulted in him becoming elected as South Africa’s president in 1994. He remained in office as president until 1999. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize, together with another former South African president Frederik Willem de Klerk, in 1993. In 2007 Mandela formed the Elders, an independent group of global leaders who offer their influence and experience to support peace building, help address major human suffering causes and promote shared interests of humanity.

The first Mandela Day was launched in New York on July 18, 2009, but the UN’s resolution to declare the day occurred later that year. On November 10, 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring July 18 as “Nelson Mandela International Day”. The day marks Nelson Mandela’s contribution to peace through his active involvement in resolving conflicts, promoting human rights, international democracy and reconciliation, and in addressing racial issues.


Various statues and civic tributes have been made to honor Nelson Mandela. For example, a statue in Mandela’s image stands at Nelson Mandela Square in Johannesburg, South Africa. A bridge, known as the Nelson Mandela Bridge, is also found in Johannesburg. Postage stamps have also been dedicated to Mandela, as well as various musical tributes, in previous times.

Note: timeanddate.com would like to thank sources such as mandeladay.com and 46664.com for information about Nelson Mandela Day.

External links

Nelson Mandela Day Observances

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday type Where it is observed
Sat Jul 18 2009 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance
Sun Jul 18 2010 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance
Mon Jul 18 2011 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance
Wed Jul 18 2012 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance
Thu Jul 18 2013 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance
Fri Jul 18 2014 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance
Sat Jul 18 2015 Nelson Mandela Day United Nations observance

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SNOWDEN'S HIDEOUTCopyright John Cole. John Cole is the editorial cartoonist for The Times-Tribune, and is syndicated nationally by Cagle Cartoons.

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