December 17, 2008, 10:12 am

Deadline Nears for Airmen to Decide About Inauguration

The deadline for the Tuskegee Airmen to accept their invitations to Barack Obama’s inaugural is Friday.
At this point, many of the airmen are still undecided about whether to accept because they worry that the trip to Washington will be fraught with obstacles. Most of the airmen are in their 80s and 90s, and many are frail.
As we reported last week, the the Tuskegee Airmen have been invited to the inauguration, but they face some difficulties in getting to Washington and getting around during the event.
Their support organization, Tuskegee Airmen Inc., and friends and family are trying to pull together a logistical plan that will make the trip easier. (Draft of the plan)
The drafters, who include a transportation consultant and an event planner, hope that if they can develop a solid plan that assures the airmen will be taken care of, more of them would feel comfortable in going. Read more…
SOURCE:  The New York Times:

“At this point, many of the airmen are still undecided about whether to accept because they worry that the trip to Washington will be fraught with obstacles. Most of the airmen are in their 80s and 90s, and many are frail.”

Wow. Unbelievable.
Many of these gallant and brave men are frail and infirm and many cannot just up and jaunt across the country the way they could when they were younger.
If America can be so damn gungho on bailing out car thieves and mortgage/home lending thieves, surely this country can fly these great men, via First Class, no expenses spared on Air Force One, to the inauguration.
It is the least this country can do for the Tuskegee Airmen who fought against enemies who attacked America, knowing they had to return home to fight the ongoing enemy known as racism.


“But whatever the logistics, we have been hearing stories of some airmen for whom the trip will not be possible.

These include Walter Palmer, 89, a fighter pilot who flew 158 escort missions over Europe, where he came under frequent attack by German interceptors. Like so many of his fellow airmen, Mr. Palmer faced hard times once he left the Army, after he injured his eye in a car accident. The only job he could get was as a low-level courthouse employee.

Mr. Palmer, who did attend the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in March 2007, has stomach cancer now and said he would not be able to go to Mr. Obama’s inauguration. “

Is it too damn much to ask that accomodations be made for the comfort, security and safety of these proud men who served their country when segregation and its humiliations assailed the faith of many Black Americans? Is it too much to ask that wheelchair ramps, platforms and nurses/medical personnel, be on hand to look after these men? Is it too much to ask that covered tarps are furnished that protect them from rain, sleet, and winds (it will be cold, since the inauguration will be held outside during January), to protect them from the elements? I would consider it an honor for anyone to stand with these wonderful men, of whom there are so few left, and attend to their needs.
The Tuskegee Airmen have been invited to witness Obama’s inauguration.
Make them at home, make things easy and for them.
God knows, they made many sacrifices for America. Is it too much to ask that they have their needs attended to in the twilight of their lives?

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