Rachel, of  wrote a post( on the recently-released from prison Genarlow Wilson, who expressed a desire to go into the study of sociology. The outcry over his 10 year prison sentence drowned out the fall-out effects of his sexual predation of two young teenage girl victims who were shunted along the margins of people’s conscious’s.

That so many people championed this sexual predator was incomprehensible. That those two young girls have been forgotten is abominable.

I wrote some comments on the post over at Rachel’s. What is sad and unacknowledged with Wilson’s release is that many  people did not want to see the reality of the ramifications of this man’s actions against these two young girls.

As I wrote in my comments, he gets to go on with his life, but, the two young girls have been vilified in the black community as pariahs. The little 15-year-old as  “fast”. The 17-year-old as a slut, or worse.

That Wilson is released from prison may be wonderful in the eyes of many people. In my eyes it is nothing to be proud of. The black community worships black males and degrades and puts down black females. The black community treats black women who speak up and out against rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence as  “traitors” to the black community. If it was a white man who did the crimes Wilson was accused of, there would be screaming to high heaven, but, let a black man commit the same crimes, and it’s,  “Let’s all rally around the once-again-wronged-brother”. I ask the black community:  Who do you think is real “traitor” to the black community? Those who rape, batter and abuse black women and girls? Those who stand by and see this in their community and families, and say and do NOTHING to stop or prevent it? Or is it the women, and men, who speak out and fight against sexual abuse in all forms? The black community rushes to the defense of any and all black men who are accused of crimes as if black men are not capable of doing wrong, especially in the case of wrongs done to these two young girls:

-a 15-year-old minor who is considered adult enough in people’s eyes of giving consent to someone older than her while she is at a party where she performs oral sex on Wilson; and just because she was two years younger than him does not excuse his crime. Yes, if he were a white male, it is highly doubtful that he would have spent one month in prison. A two year age difference still does not excuse his abominable behaviour, just because he had her perform oral sex on him, as opposed to having vaginal sex with her;

-a 17-year-old girl who is gang-raped by Wilson and six other males, since, according to news reports she was unable to consent due to her state of intoxication (Per the news reports:  “During the sex act, she appears to be sleepy or intoxicated but never asks Wilson to stop. Later on in the tape, she is seen being pulled off the bed.”) That does not sound like someone who was in any position to give consent.

That the black community is so quick to rally around a rapist (he not only raped a passed out female, but, along with his “friends” taped the entire incident), and so quick to turn on these young girls, shows that the black community has its priorities severely screwed up.

Yes, the charge against Wilson was excessive. Yes, he should never have been sent to prison on the sodomy charge.

But, because of the conviction that the DA had rendered against Wilson, and the huge public outcry against it, Wilson was released from prison. But, there is no justice for his 17-year-old victim.

I can understand, without my having seen the tape, what must have gone through that DA�s mind. He could not get Wilson on the rape charge of the 17-year-old since the jury saw what they saw in the tape. He had one of two choices on the sodomy charge:

-get Wilson and give him the minimum sentence


-get Wilson and give him the maximum sentence (10 years)

The DA was probably pissed off to the nth degree that the jury acquited Wilson on the rape charge. Possibly the DA reasoned that he would give Wilson the maximum to render �justice� for the not guilty on the rape charge. But, you do not punish someone for a crime they were absolved of. Afraid to have to say it, but one wrong does not a right make. Which is why the DA was questioned by many pundits at the time as to why did he give the harsh 10 year sentence, and not the minimum sentence since Wilson was a first time offender with the law. And here is where I think the DA did himself in. He SHOULD have gone for the minimum sentence and have had Wilson sent to prison with a sex offender tag on him.

Ten years.

One hundred years.

One year.

Wilson was going to get out, with good time/flat time before the 10 year sentence was up. But, with the minimum sentencing on the sodomy charge, he would have had a sex offender tag on him.

Better for the DA to have not gone whole hog for the 10 years and get him with the minimum.

Sometimes, Lyonside, we have to take what we can get, and that includes District Attorneys.

Let�s see Wilson remove the sex offender tag if the DA went for the lesser time sentence. Sex offender tags are nothing to play with. Those are for life.


No hanging around little children or minors, no being within 1000 feet of a school, no contact whatsoever with any child on Halloween night.

But, he goes on with his life, and those two girls are labeled sluts, and worse. (Some of the vile filth I have read on blogs, etc. across the Internet would sicken your stomach, but of course he�s a male, females all lie about rape�what the hell, we have nothing better to do than to lie, go to the police, give statements, go to court, get pulled through the wringer, have our integrity questioned.

Meanwhile, that TAPE is floating around out there, with God�s knows who have gotten their hands on copies of it.

Many people not connected to this case�attorneys, news reporters, legislators�saw this tape, and Lyonside, the looks on their faces were of complete disgust. I have been trying to find some videos of at least one that shows some people saying that the 17-year-old WAS unable to give consent due to being under the influence.

But, the jury saw what it did. Have to abide with that.

But, that does not mean that those 12 people on that jury were right.

Juries have been known to render verdicts that were legal abominations before, and they will still do it into the future.

And just because he was a black male does not absolve him of not being capable of not giving a damn about another human being who happens to be a female.

Oh, silly me, I forgot�females lives and well-being in America are not worth shit. (Pardon my profanity.)

There are two things this country values above all else (besides money)�whiteness AND maleness.

Just because he was a black male does not mean that he does not have maleness on his side.

Which is why so many people know of the Jena 6, Wilson, etc.�-but, practically not a damn thing about the Newark 7, Dunbar Village, Pfc. Lavena Johnson, etc.

Women�s lives in this country are defiled and denigrated.

And those people who protested so much to get Wilson off have not done him any favors either.

It is not just women/girls who suffer from the devastation and evilness of patriarchy�everyone does.

Now a predator walks among us.

The travesty of this case will have far reaching effects on all involved.

On Genarlow Wilson.

And on those two young girls who have been tossed to the wolves via the black community’s double standard in how it treats, or better yet, mistreats the female members of its community.



ESSENCE MAGAZINE SPEAKS TO WILSON:,16109,1677312-1,00.html







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12 responses to “GENARLOW WILSON

  1. Stephanie B.

    I’m glad this case involving two Black girls is being brought to the surface. For months, mainstream newspapers refused to mentioned the girls’ race, giving the general public the assumption that the case was an IR when in reality it was intraracial.

    This is one of many dirty little secrets in the Black community: The sordid abuse of Black girls and women.

    Dunbar Village
    R. Kelly
    Genarlow Wilson

    When is this genocidal assault on Black girls/women going to end?

    Stephanie B.

  2. Ro

    Stuff like this makes me angry. Once again, the old saying “a black woman cannot be raped” rears its ugly head. The only injustice here is that this guy is now out walking the streets and is seen by many as the “real victim”.

  3. Wow, you’re disturbed. The young man is not a predator, the girl was his peer. They were equals, two kids in high school. He was not a grown man preying on little girls.

    And I’m suppose to take you and your crew seriously? Is this what reading Bell Hooks leads people to?

    And BrownFemiPower and Rachael had the nerve to scoff at me referencing things like feminist claiming all men are rapist. This is exactly what I’m talking about right here. This is what makes feminazi-ism so dangerous, and why I won’t, like Ann said on Rachael’s thread; be teaching men feminism. I’ll teach them not to be evil rapist – but I won’t then rape their minds with this evil.

    Do you deal in facts? Where’s your source that substantiates that the 17 year old was too intoxicated to consent. Why wasn’t he charged for that “rape”? Why is it rape if a woman drinks and consents to sex, but not rape if a man drinks and consents to sex with a woman. That sure doesn’t sound like an equal standard to me.

  4. Ann

    “Wow, you’re disturbed. The young man is not a predator, the girl was his peer. They were equals, two kids in high school. He was not a grown man preying on little girls.”

    Seems like to me, you are disturbed.

    Whether the same age or not, according to the news articles, his nonconsensual sex with an intoxicated female constitutes rape.

    So, their being “peers/equals”makes it alright for a male to have sex with an intoxicated female. As long as they are the same age, no harm done, nor any law broken.

    Yeah, right.

    “And BrownFemiPower and Rachael had the nerve to scoff at me referencing things like feminist claiming all men are rapist.”

    Where did Brownfemipower/Rachel state that you referenced “things like feminists claiming all men are rapist”? Where did you read in my post that “all men are rapists”? State your proof.

    “This is what makes feminazi-ism so dangerous, and why I won’t, like Ann said on Rachael’s thread; be teaching men feminism. I’ll teach them not to be evil rapist – but I won’t then rape their minds with this evil.”

    Where did “Ann” say that you won’t be teaching men feminism?

    So, I take it you are an expert on true feminism?

    True feminism engages resistance against sexism and the destruction that it does to BOTH women and men, and make no mistake about it, men suffer from the sexist lies that they are to be hard, brutal, misogynistic combative enemies of women. Feminism fights against such lies. Women are not the only ones who suffer from the anti-woman, anti-human effects of white male supremacy—males suffer from it as well: the belief that women have no agency, the belief that domination of women is some God-given birthright of men; the belief that women exist solely for the materialistic, selfish wants of men, the belief that “our women” are ours alone, just as long as we can destroy and annihilate “your women”. Perverted, sick behaviour lived by white men, behaviour that has been so readily grabbed up by so many black men.

    There are black men living today who know NOTHING of the real egalitarian relationship that many black men and women had after slavery, and during segregation. Sadly, so many black men have lost that ability to work with black women, but instead, prefer to work against black women. But, that is what happens when a people forget and ignore their history of setting the example of what true equal relationships between a man and a woman can be.

    Unfortunately, many black men imitate and have appropriated the worst that the white man has offered as to what masculinity should be. And allowing a rape culture to exist, both inside and outside the black community has had a devastating effect on both black women, black children—and black men.

    “Do you deal in facts? Where’s your source that substantiates that the 17 year old was too intoxicated to consent.

    Link: :

    “Genarlow Wilson and a group of friends had the kind of bash no parent would want their teenager to attend. Crime scene investigators combing the room in a Days Inn in the small town of Douglasville, Ga., found evidence of drinking, as well as condoms and wrappers littered all over. Plus, there was a video camera.

    “In a portion of a tape obtained by “Primetime,” Wilson, then 17 and an honor student and star athlete who was homecoming king, is seen having intercourse with a 17-year-old girl, who was seen earlier on the bathroom floor. During the sex act, she appears to be sleepy or intoxicated but never asks Wilson to stop. Later on in the tape, she is seen being pulled off the bed.

    “Authorities believed the 17-year-old alleged rape victim and said she was too intoxicated to consent to any sexual acts, which is what Georgia law requires, otherwise these acts can be considered rape.

    “Six boys, including Wilson, were arrested on various charges, including rape. District Attorney David McDade said the videotape was critical to his case. “There is no doubt that without the videotape we would have to be relying on the statements of these young people, and that would have been a more difficult prosecution,” he said.”


    A girl who “appears to be sleepy or intoxicated but never asks Wilson to stop” (per the news articles) does not come off as being in a position to give consent to any act of sex.

    In the tape (per the news articles) the 17-year-old is, “seen being pulled off the bed.”
    That does not sound like consent to me. But, evidently, the jury saw otherwise.

    But, the jury saw what it did. Have to abide with that.

    But, that does not mean that those 12 people on that jury were right.

    Juries have been known to render verdicts that were legal abominations before, and they will still do so into the future.

    Concerning that tape floating around. (And you can be rest assured that tape will not stay in the hands of those 35 people who received copies of it):

    “Release of Georgia Teen Sex-Tape Draws Fire”:

    The tape is not going to stay in the hands of the people who originally obtained it.
    That the faces of the girls were not blocked out certainly does not help either.

    Meanwhile, that TAPE is floating around out there, with God’s knows who have gotten their hands on copies of it.

    Many people not connected to this case—attorneys, news reporters, legislators—saw this tape, the looks on their faces were of complete disgust.

    And just because he was a black male does not absolve him of not being capable of not giving a damn about another human being who happens to be a female.

    Oh, silly me, I forgot—females lives and well-being in America are not worth shit.

    There are two things this country values above all else (besides money)—whiteness AND maleness.

    Just because he was a black male does not mean that he does not have maleness on his side.

    Which is why so many people know of the Jena 6, Wilson, etc.—-but, practically not a damn thing about the Newark 7, Dunbar Village, Pfc. Lavena Johnson, etc.

    Women’s lives in this country are defiled and denigrated. Especially black women’s lives, which is why “men” like Isaiah thomas feel they can call black women bitches, but scream, snot and cry when a white man does the same insult against black women. It’s okay in the eyes of some black men to degrade and destroy black women, verbally and physically, but, unforgivable when a white man does it. It’s okey-dokey when black men attack and vilify black women the way white men have done for over 400 years?

    Wrong is wrong, no matter what the race of the men who do it.

    Wilson did wrong against those girls no matter what his age.

    And those people who protested so much to get Wilson off have not done him any favors either.

    It is not just women/girls who suffer from the devastation and evilness of sexism—everyone does.

    Why is it rape if a woman drinks and consents to sex, but not rape if a man drinks and consents to sex with a woman.”

    No one ever said that a woman cannot take advantage of an intoxicated man. Both actions, whether womanXman, or manXwoman, no person no matter what their gender should be attacked when their defenses are down.

    “That sure doesn’t sound like an equal standard to me.”

    It is an equal standard if the law is applied equally and fairly.

    But, in America, there is no true equal standard where men and women are concerned.

    Wilson may be a black man with the sexist (and yes, they are sexist) racist stereotypes that still dog black men, but, in the end, he is still a male, held above and considered as more human than a black woman, or a black girl, in America.

    And black women can, and have suffered from sexism from BOTH black and white men.

    Sexism is something that both black and white men can certainly bond together on.

    Can’t get anymore sexist than that.

  5. “according to the news articles, his nonconsensual sex with an intoxicated female constitutes rape.”

    “According the news article”? What’s “the news article”? And what is the substatiation therein?

    “So, their being “peers/equals”makes it alright for a male to have sex with an intoxicated female.”

    The answer to that question is whatever the answer to this question is: “So, their being “peers/equals”makes it alright for a female to have sex with an intoxicated male”?

    Further I’d note that half of us wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for drunken sex. Also, many a time I’ve heard women speak of their fondness of drunken sex; even others bragging about druken sex-apades on blogs.

    How feminist of you to take their right away to have the sex they want. How feminist and empowering of you to belittle women as feeble little things who can’t make decisions for themselves, and who can’t have a drink and know whether or not they want to have sex just like it is excepted that a man can.

    People who are unconscious can’t consent to sex; but people who have a glass a wine after dinner or a rum and coke at the club and wanna knock some boots afterwards have every right to.

    “That the faces of the girls were not blocked out certainly does not help either.”

    I think the release of the tape was disgusting, self-contradictory of the prosecutor, harmful to all the kids in it, and I don’t understand how it was legal; but what does that have to do with Genarlow being a predator.

    The morality of his sexual behavior is not even condoned by his mother; but what you think about teenagers having group sex and filming it has nothing to do with whether or not he’s a predator. Everybody who went to that room to hump was wrong. It was self-degrading and degradding of one another. Yet, somehow you jump from that to predator?

    “No one ever said that a woman cannot take advantage of an intoxicated man. ”

    Okay, show me the feminist literature that says if a man has a drink and a woman has sex with him, she has raped him; as is said in the reverse.

    “Women’s lives in this country are defiled and denigrated.”

    True. Doesn’t mean you get to call this individual young man a predator for revenge.

    This feminazi rage of labeling any man a rapist that you can self-justify in targeting is dangerous and wrong. And I’m not going to refrain from calling you on it out of fear of you alls slash and burn disparagement tactic of calling me a sexist for doing it.

  6. “Where did Brownfemipower/Rachel state that you referenced “things like feminists claiming all men are rapist”? Where did you read in my post that “all men are rapists”? State your proof.”

    Read the two post. It’s in our comment excahnge in BFP’s post, and it’s in the actual post of Rachael’s. This is not a matter of debate. I did reference it and “thinkgs like”, and they both scoffed at it.

  7. Ann

    So, their being “peers/equals”makes it alright for a male to have sex with an intoxicated female.”

    The answer to that question is whatever the answer to this question is: “So, their being “peers/equals”makes it alright for a female to have sex with an intoxicated male”?

    Now I am worried about your being very disturbed. I never said it was alright for anyone to have non-consensual sex with a person who could not consent. Only an ignorant simpleton would say that it is okay under any circumstances for a non-intoxicated person to have sex without a person’s consent when they are in no position to say “Yes”, or “No.”


    “Further I’d note that half of us wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for drunken sex.”

    So, you are saying that 50% of the pregnancies that occur are do to intoxication on the part of the parents, that 50% of the men and women who engage in sex in this world are not in control of their complete faculties? Where is your proof of such alcohol-induced pregnancies? Have you done any research on this to support your claim?


    “Also, many a time I’ve heard women speak of their fondness of drunken sex; even others bragging about druken sex-apades on blogs. ”

    Very stupid and risky of them, just as it is risky and stupid of men to engage in “drunken sex”.


    “How feminist of you to take their right away to have the sex they want. How feminist and empowering of you to belittle women as feeble little things who can’t make decisions for themselves, and who can’t have a drink and know whether or not they want to have sex just like it is excepted that a man can. ”

    Now, I wonder if you have any kind of command of the written English language. I never advocated taking away anyone’s right to consume alcohol.

    I stated very clearly in my comment that anyone (male or female) who has sex with an intoxicated person is the one doing wrong. Only a person (woman or man) who feels they have to resort to having sex with an intoxicated person is a weak person, not to mention a sexual predator.

    Woman OR man.

    No one is taking away anyone’s right to have a drink. Responsible people (woman, man) do not have sex with intoxicated people who cannot consent. Man or woman, when you have sex with an intoxicated person, you abdicate the right to keep yourself out of jail.

    You are the one who belittles women (as well as men) for making such a callous comment.


    “People who are unconscious can’t consent to sex…”

    Thank you, the most intelligent comment you have made so far.

    “…but people who have a glass a wine after dinner or a rum and coke at the club and wanna knock some boots afterwards have every right to.”

    Now don’t be ignorant. Having a drink, dinner, and consensual sex is not the same thing as having sex with an INTOXICATED person, okay?

    “I think the release of the tape was disgusting, self-contradictory of the prosecutor, harmful to all the kids in it, and I don’t understand how it was legal; but what does that have to do with Genarlow being a predator.”

    His behaviour in filming the tape was predatory and hateful. Else, why make a copy of the tape, as if it would not eventually fall into the hands of those who could use those tapes against those girls, not to mention against him for his cruel stupidity.

    “The morality of his sexual behavior is not even condoned by his mother; but what you think about teenagers having group sex and filming it has nothing to do with whether or not he’s a predator. Everybody who went to that room to hump was wrong. It was self-degrading and degradding of one another. Yet, somehow you jump from that to predator?”

    Yes, he along with the other six were and are predators. Whether 17, 71 or 100, they committed sexual offenses having sex with a non-consenting female.


    “Okay, show me the feminist literature that says if a man has a drink and a woman has sex with him, she has raped him; as is said in the reverse.”

    I never said rape against a man cannot happen.

    I do not need “feminist literature” to tell me what is right and what is wrong.
    The woman can rob the man, physically beat him, sexually assault him or God forbid, murder him. If he is in no way conscious of what is happening to him, then he has had a crime committed against him, and I do not need the law to tell me what is wrong, and what is right when one person harms another. You might need “feminist literature” to help you believe that wrong can be done equally by male and female, but, hey, that’s you.

    By her actions, if she engages in sex with an intoxicated man, then she is a predator and should be jailed for it.

    “Women’s lives in this country are defiled and denigrated.”

    True. Doesn’t mean you get to call this individual young man a predator for revenge.”

    Not revenge.
    Wilson is a predator. He had sex with a non-consenting female. He filmed it. The tape is out there. He is hailed a hero in the black community. The girls have their faces plastered in the video.



    “This feminazi rage of labeling any man a rapist that you can self-justify in targeting is dangerous and wrong. And I’m not going to refrain from calling you on it out of fear of you alls slash and burn disparagement tactic of calling me a sexist for doing it.

    I never labeled ANY MAN a rapist. You are the one who is showing extreme, uncontrollable rage in reading into my comment concerning Genarlow Wilson’s guilt.


    Not every man in the world.

    Calm down.

    Take some aspirin and cool your head. Maybe then you can not only be able to read what I write, maybe you can also comprehend what I write, okay?

    I never called you a “sexist”. Get your lies straight, okay?

    Genarlow Wilson is a predator. Predators take advantage of people when their defenses are down, when they cannot say “Yes” or “No”.

    He is not the first man to be a predator, and he will not be the last.

    Believe me, the black community, America, and the male population will survive the Genarlow Wilsons of the world.

    Life goes on.

    As for “slash and burn disparagement tactics” only those who do wrong put themselves into a burning wooded area with no way out.

    Don’t want to get labeled a predator, then do not behave as one.

  8. You play loose and fast with the facts, and loose and fast with what you mean by what you say, depending on how you need to adjust to fit your roving arguement.

    I still don’t see a link to the article repeatedly cited, nor documentation of the substation of the claims therein.

    Let me just ask one simply question. When both the man and the woman are drunk, who raped who?

    And where’s your factual information that the girls were filmed against there will? I’ve not heard that before; I’d like to read about that.

  9. “Now, I wonder if you have any kind of command of the written English language. I never advocated taking away anyone’s right to consume alcohol.”

    I was going to skip this, but hell nah!

    I didn’t say you said that. You clearly don’t have command of any language, as you insert things that were clearly not said.

    I said you take away women’s rights to decide for themselves if they can have sex by claiming that if they have a drink and then have sex that they’ve been rapped. Nobody says a man is raped when he drinks and chooses to have sex; but a woman can’t make the same decision for herself that a man can according to you feminazis.

    And where are your proofs that the 15 year old girl was unconscious and didn’t consent to giving oral. It’s pretty hard to give some by oral while you’re unconscious.

    I mean, is that even possible? Unless she was laying there limp while he was shoving it in her mouth; I’ve never heard that described. Please document this.

  10. Ann

    “I said you take away women’s rights to decide for themselves if they can have sex by claiming that if they have a drink and then have sex that they’ve been rapped. Nobody says a man is raped when he drinks and chooses to have sex; but a woman can’t make the same decision for herself that a man can according to you feminazis.”

    Like I said, YOU have no command of the written English language. I said that per the news article the 17-year-old (not the 15-year-old) was intoxicated, “pulled off the bed”, and exhibited signs of non-consent”. I never said the 15-year-old was intoxicated. I never said that a woman cannot drink, nor have CONSENSUAL sex with a man. You are the one who brought that topic into the discussion.

    “Nobody says a man is raped when he drinks and chooses to have sex; but a woman can’t make the same decision for herself that a man can according to you feminazis.”

    I stated in my previous comment, a woman CAN rape a man when his defenses are down and he cannot give consent to what is done to him. Please, learn how to read. Per my comment, in response to your statement:

    “Okay, show me the feminist literature that says if a man has a drink and a woman has sex with him, she has raped him; as is said in the reverse.”

    I never said rape against a man cannot happen.
    I do not need “feminist literature” to tell me what is right and what is wrong.
    The woman can rob the man, physically beat him, sexually assault him or God forbid, murder him. If he is in no way conscious of what is happening to him, then he has had a crime committed against him, and I do not need the law to tell me what is wrong, and what is right when one person harms another. You might need “feminist literature” to help you believe that wrong can be done equally by male and female, but, hey, that’s you.
    By her actions, if she engages in sex with an intoxicated man, then she is a predator and should be jailed for it.

    Drinking and not being drunk/intoxicated is not the same thing as being so intoxicated that you are not fully cognizant of what is being done to you against your will.

    Just because I may be in the position to harm an intoxicated man does not make it right for me to do so. Just because a fully aware person sees another person not in complete control of their faculties/actions, DOES NOT make it right to do harm to that person just because they can.

    There is a huge difference between two people who are cognizant of their actions, as opposed to the scenario when only ONE person is cognizant of what is being done.

    “And where are your proofs that the 15 year old girl was unconscious and did’t consent to giving oral. It’s pretty hard to give some by oral while you’re unconscious.
    I mean, is that even possible? Unless she was laying there limp while he was shoving it in her mouth; I’ve never heard that described. Please document this.”

    Like I said, the 15-year-old was and still is a minor. Two year difference does not rule out what Wilson did. A 15-year-old surrounded by a group of males is still a 15-year-old. A 15-year-old male surrounded by a group of FEMALES is still a 15-year-old male. That you have no capabilities to understand the situation the 15-year-old was in says a lot about you. The 15-year-old (whether male OR female) cannot give consent no matter how they gleefully, gladly do what is coerced, asked or demanded of them.

    “And where are your proofs that the 15 year old girl was unconscious and didn’t consent to giving oral. It’s pretty hard to give some by oral while you’re unconscious.”

    Learn how to read. I never said the 15-year-old was “unconscious”. I said she was a MINOR, unable to give consent no matter what she did, or did not do.

    “You play loose and fast with the facts, and loose and fast with what you mean by what you say, depending on how you need to adjust to fit your roving arguement.”


    Your raving and not reading the article shows your loss of emotional control.

    The news article clearly stated the 17-year-old was incapacitated. Unable to give consent.

    “Let me just ask one simply question. When both the man and the woman are drunk, who raped who? ”

    Only an ignorant person would not be able to give an answer to that:

    BOTH are drunk, both are incapacitated, both are not in complete control of their faculties——neither one raped the other. Both behaviours/actions on their parts cancels—rules out what coulda, should, woulda—might have happened.

    Both being drunk, EITHER they had sex, and were too drunk to remember, OR neither had sex with the other.

    Whatever EITHER one of them says, would not hold up in a court of law with BOTH of them being drunk.


    Face facts:

    Wilson is a predator.

    Predators do not start out late in life preying on people; they often start out very early in life. What Wilson and the other males did was wrong. But, this is a society which worships maleness far above and beyond over femaleness. That the black community has its priorities so sick and screwed up is beyond unconscionable. Time for the black community to start giving humanity to the female members of its race, and stop the worship of the oh-so-put-upon black males in the community who prey on and destroy black women and girls.

    Time for the black community to give validation to the humanity and womanhood of the female members that are a part of the black community.

    Continually letting black “men” like Wilson off the hook still sends the “slave of slaves” message that the black community is notorious for:

    “Black women, drop dead. Your priorities mean nothing to the greater community, unless you are a black man.”

    Yes, there are black men who do speak up for black women. I thank them for that.

    But, as for the predators of the likes such as Wilson, I have nothing but contempt for.

    Now, your little farce in only wanting to see things your way has ended. Your tone of vindictiveness and maliciousness has run its course.

    Consider your last two comments as the last comments you will make on my blog.

  11. Trish C.

    This morning, I watched a CNN feature story about how Genarlow Wilson has been admitted to Morehouse College, all expenses paid, through a generous donation from the Tom Joyner Foundation. OK, Morehouse is a fine institution; hopefully, it can instill the strength of character in Wilson he lacked earlier in his life.

    The amount of the scholarship has not been made public, but the oversized check the smiling Wilson was holding on the news was made out for what looked like $275,000.

    After months of litigation and media support for Wilson as “victim” of the Georgia criminal justice system and his release as “justice served”, I can’t help but wonder what became of the girl in question. She would be about 19 years old now. Is she in a good place? Did she get to go to college? Is there a fund for that? Can I contribute to it?

    My point is, what Wilson did may not justifiably carry the sentence of, say, manslaughter, but he is no hero, and this was not a victimless crime. Some of the first sexual experiences of his life were of a sexually degrading and exploitive nature. Those girls were at a similar point in their lives where they sought positive reinforcement from male figures through misdirected acts of sexual gratification. Perhaps they were inexperienced with the intoxicating effects of alcohol (or maybe that was the goal). They were, after all, minors.

    Whatever the case, Wilson acted in a way unbecoming a man, specifically, a black man. Those girls were his sisters in the human race, and he treated them as badly as they seemed to treat themselves – as dehumanized sex objects.

    What complicates this matter is that these sex acts – fellatio, group sex, etc. – have, in our culture, shifted from being considered sexual pathology to sexual expression. Hence the legal confusion over age of consent, sentencing, oral versus vaginal sex, etc. Our acceptance of or revulsion toward these acts in our own lives is likely to color how we view the case.

    Additionally, what I sense from the posts on this board is confusion over the racial component of the case. The outcry over sentencing seems to have been gauged on what a white man would receive for the same conviction. Shouldn’t we as a society seek instead to do right by the girls and their families? This case elevates no one.


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