World Science Day for Peace and Development
10 November

“Science cannot develop in isolation. It flourishes through the
dialogue of individuals, through the interaction of cultures and communities and
through the meeting of minds. It prospers in a soil that is rich in diversity
and in a climate that favours diffusion and cross-fertilisation. Ideas must
migrate to develop, they must be shared to take root, and they must be
accessible for all to benefit.”

Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
on the occasion of
the World Science Day for Peace and Development
10 November

Proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference ( Resolution31C/ 20) in 2001, the World Science Day for Peace and Development is an
annual event celebrated all over the world to recall the commitment made at the UNESCO-ICSU World Conference on
(Budapest 1999).

The purpose of the World Science Day for Peace and Development is to renew the national, as well as the international commitment to science for peace and development and to stress the responsible use of science for the benefit of society. The World Science Day for Peace and Development also aims at raising public awareness of the importance of science and to bridge the gap between science and societies.

The theme of 2010’s World Science Day for Peace and Development is “Science for the rapprochement of peoples and cultures”.


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